Tools for Harvest and Curing


Well-Known Member
welcomes man ............pass the info on if u see someone asking how i got mine

this is from personal...........once u have it inside one of those containers .....after u purged alot and if a buddy askes to share some.........move it into the freezer and leave it there for like 5 mins ........while the lid is still on and tight squeeze the container untill u hear cracking or squeezes easy then u can open it up and pick out a little peice for buddy (use a bottle cap from beer put on there and tell them keep it lvl to get it off heat cap little and use pin by rolling it and it comes up )


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I've got gloves, scissors, a scale, sheers, a griddle, two Pyrex dishes, I'm getting the butane locally, silk screen and clamp come with the extractor. I need razor blades, (totally forgot) I may look into a couple oil slick mats and jars, but I planned on getting parchment paper, hmmmmm keep it coming though!
If you are going to make BHO, either winterize your product with everclear/ISO, or get a vac pump and chamber. BHO that is only heat purged is not good IMO.

Check the concentrates/extract section


Well-Known Member
That's some dirty hippy magic , right their :!:
that is actually a old trick used in many cultures the oils from the hair helps the skin shed off anything on them is why u have to wash your since the oil has picked up all that crap your head has been touching and shedding skin cells

and by the way all the anti medical stuff does is make a stronger strain of what ever it is fighting at one point the method of treatment will end up failing and some other method will have to be used .........adapt or die and with a short life span they can go tho thousands of gens in a short amount of time and natural mutations happends u have your super strain

just check that out see what it saids never laugh at a different method someday might be only choice that works


Active Member
If you are going to make BHO, either winterize your product with everclear/ISO, or get a vac pump and chamber. BHO that is only heat purged is not good IMO.

Check the concentrates/extract section
I'm not too worried about heat purging. I've spent a lot of time reading and posting with the guys down in the extracts and concentrates and they assure me it's fine... best quality? probably not, but until I get it figured out I don't need best quality.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too worried about heat purging. I've spent a lot of time reading and posting with the guys down in the extracts and concentrates and they assure me it's fine... best quality? probably not, but until I get it figured out I don't need best quality.
Great, it sounds like you are doing your research. Check out winterizing with everclear, you will be very happy. I have a vac and chamber, and still prefer this method for my personal. The alcohol chemically bonds with the butane and when it evaporates, it takes 100% of the butane with it. It is pretty much the purest form you can make. And it's easy to do!


Well-Known Member
That's funny Just said to soak your clippers in moonshine..
Thats an awesome idea...! That or 151 Bacardi..
I always just used iso but this sounds way better..


Well-Known Member
i recommended gloves too and when you say hand sanitizer do you mean like germ x? cause ive used alot of soap and cant seem to get that sticky stuff off for atleast like 1-2 days lol

i just use an off brand hand sanitizer or purell. takes the sticky away in seconds.
i have no idea what you folks are using that you can't get rid of the sticky.


Well-Known Member
That's funny Just said to soak your clippers in moonshine..
Thats an awesome idea...! That or 151 Bacardi..
I always just used iso but this sounds way better..
yep that will work (anything over 100proof lights on fire) ..............i also soak them before i cut off stuff from the plant (cleans them) soak for about 30 secs then pull out shake it off then hit it with the lighter clean off anything left .........u have clean sheers for trimming or cloning

i just picked up the tip about using honey on the branch cuts to help seal up the cell walls (this is for multi stage harvests)


Well-Known Member
that is actually a old trick used in many cultures the oils from the hair helps the skin shed off anything on them is why u have to wash your since the oil has picked up all that crap your head has been touching and shedding skin cells

and by the way all the anti medical stuff does is make a stronger strain of what ever it is fighting at one point the method of treatment will end up failing and some other method will have to be used .........adapt or die and with a short life span they can go tho thousands of gens in a short amount of time and natural mutations happends u have your super strain

just check that out see what it saids never laugh at a different method someday might be only choice that works

Another 'old trick' is to use your left hand as toliet papper


Well-Known Member
Another 'old trick' is to use your left hand as toliet papper
that is the whole middle east ..............and the reason u never offer to shake hands with your left to a musilum from that area it is a major insult (like having a shoe thrown at your head) .........left handed ppl are torrmented still over this (who wants to open a nail salon over in the middle east now .......or be a supplier of hand sanitizer)

and it also a old custom if u say oh how pretty something is in someone home that the person can give it to u as a gift since u admired it and refusing it would be a insult to the host

and it is a sin to turn away a hungry person at your door ........u should always feed them offer a place to rest and some water

most of those apply to middle east africa and parts of asia


Well-Known Member
Moonshine I am not surr how to make it can you explain so I can make "moonshine". Just playing no seriously i wanna learn


Well-Known Member
moonshine is the simplest thing in the world to do

1 need yeast
2 need sugars/starches/some minerals
3 water
4 time
5 stil
6 heat
7 water for cooling
8 jugs to collect it

the simplest one i can tell u is this (honey rum) 10 lbs of dark brown sugar in a big pot ........mix in 2 gallons of hotwater ........heat it untill all mixed in (keep it below 130) ..........once it is all mixed in add 2 lbs of honey (honey is my thing) mix it all up then dump into a 6.5 gallon bucket

u add 3.5 more gallons of water to this and allow it to cool to about 80-90 F( u now have 5.5 gallons of water total) if u want to do it fast u add in some food grade yeast booster and feed along with a big helping of gypsm mix it with a stick then add in dady yeast (distiller yeast designed to make up to 23% ach before it dies out) ............5 to 6 days from then it is done and ready to be cooked

u need to settle the bucket (the milky looking mud into ice tea looking stuff) this makes the yeast all go to the bottom and u get a cleaner tasting stuff ............transfer it to the still ...........u will get 5 gallons into the still from the buck .5 of a gallon will have the yeast settled at the bottom dump it out ..........the mash i told u should make around 20% ach so in 5 gallons that is 1 gallon of drink .........u can buy the buckets at any beer brewing stores ....bucket lid airlock

turn your system on and start cooking the first part that comes out is bad stuff it will kill u ..........this is always the first stuff called heads ............the mix i told u makes very little of it but it is still in there ..........for every gallon of mash u are cooking u collect 50-75mls and just dump it out or use as fuel for fire or cleaning 5 gallons u collect 250 mls and toss it out

now u collect the rest it cooks down less and less comes out at this point u change from collecting drink to collecting tails ..................tails is anything below 40%abv to the power of your mash 40% to 20% that comes off the stil goes into a tails bottle......about 1/5 with 5 gallons run .............the tails bottle is set to the side and next time u run the still u add the tails into the run and collect the ach from that (if u are running a thumper the tails goes into the thumper)

they have several styles of stills the 2 commons are pot stil and reflux stil
pot stils make the brandys whiskes rums
reflux makes fuel and strong drink with no taste (like everclear)

a thumper is a 2nd chamber that the steam goes into settles back into liquid ...........then as the steam heats the chamber the ach turns back to steam and comes out the still to be collected filters the drink for a better taste along with increases the str of the over all stuff..................if u have a 15 gallon still then u run it with a 7to 5 gallon thumper (normally 1/2 to 1/3 the size of the stil u got )

for me to make 2 gallons of drink is 30 bucks in materals (this includes a t bone steak and patote for dinner) and 2 bucks in power since i use a converted hotwater heat element for my heating ................that is for 2 gallons of 160-140% drink

and so u know what u buy at the store is normally only 80 -100% bacardi 151 is 151% and everclear depends on state is 180% to 192% the way that will work as fuel anything above 170%


Well-Known Member
moonshine is the simplest thing in the world to do

1 need yeast
2 need sugars/starches/some minerals
3 water
4 time
5 stil
6 heat
7 water for cooling
8 jugs to collect it

the simplest one i can tell u is this (honey rum) 10 lbs of dark brown sugar in a big pot ........mix in 2 gallons of hotwater ........heat it untill all mixed in (keep it below 130) ..........once it is all mixed in add 2 lbs of honey (honey is my thing) mix it all up then dump into a 6.5 gallon bucket

u add 3.5 more gallons of water to this and allow it to cool to about 80-90 F( u now have 5.5 gallons of water total) if u want to do it fast u add in some food grade yeast booster and feed along with a big helping of gypsm mix it with a stick then add in dady yeast (distiller yeast designed to make up to 23% ach before it dies out) ............5 to 6 days from then it is done and ready to be cooked

u need to settle the bucket (the milky looking mud into ice tea looking stuff) this makes the yeast all go to the bottom and u get a cleaner tasting stuff ............transfer it to the still ...........u will get 5 gallons into the still from the buck .5 of a gallon will have the yeast settled at the bottom dump it out ..........the mash i told u should make around 20% ach so in 5 gallons that is 1 gallon of drink .........u can buy the buckets at any beer brewing stores ....bucket lid airlock

turn your system on and start cooking the first part that comes out is bad stuff it will kill u ..........this is always the first stuff called heads ............the mix i told u makes very little of it but it is still in there ..........for every gallon of mash u are cooking u collect 50-75mls and just dump it out or use as fuel for fire or cleaning 5 gallons u collect 250 mls and toss it out

now u collect the rest it cooks down less and less comes out at this point u change from collecting drink to collecting tails ..................tails is anything below 40%abv to the power of your mash 40% to 20% that comes off the stil goes into a tails bottle......about 1/5 with 5 gallons run .............the tails bottle is set to the side and next time u run the still u add the tails into the run and collect the ach from that (if u are running a thumper the tails goes into the thumper)

they have several styles of stills the 2 commons are pot stil and reflux stil
pot stils make the brandys whiskes rums
reflux makes fuel and strong drink with no taste (like everclear)

a thumper is a 2nd chamber that the steam goes into settles back into liquid ...........then as the steam heats the chamber the ach turns back to steam and comes out the still to be collected filters the drink for a better taste along with increases the str of the over all stuff..................if u have a 15 gallon still then u run it with a 7to 5 gallon thumper (normally 1/2 to 1/3 the size of the stil u got )

for me to make 2 gallons of drink is 30 bucks in materals (this includes a t bone steak and patote for dinner) and 2 bucks in power since i use a converted hotwater heat element for my heating ................that is for 2 gallons of 160-140% drink

and so u know what u buy at the store is normally only 80 -100% bacardi 151 is 151% and everclear depends on state is 180% to 192% the way that will work as fuel anything above 170%

Simple...... I think your overcomplicating it

Hardcider + solarstill


Well-Known Member
Simple...... I think your overcomplicating it

Hardcider + solarstill
why the hell would i use a 5.5% i would need gallons and gallons of mash with a gaint pot just to get what i make now ......and u are talking about a method that would collect water into the jug too since u can not cut it off ..........ach boils just below water 187 to 210 water goes at 212

if u want to go simple ........i mean dumb simple
wine some cheap crap with high abv and a beg keg with a pot stil head under a banjo burner..........then u need a simple water pump a big cooler 10 gallons of water and a few bags of ice....attach the hoses to those side ports u see....... heat it steam comes out turn on the pump and get your drink on.............this stuff is clean no heads to worry about just stop it when it gets weak and make tails bottle for next time

i just gave them a crash course on how to do it somewhat right ........what i told them is how u make rum (real rum)


Well-Known Member
why the hell would i use a 5.5% i would need gallons and gallons of mash with a gaint pot just to get what i make now ......and u are talking about a method that would collect water into the jug too since u can not cut it off ..........ach boils just below water 187 to 210 water goes at 212

if u want to go simple ........i mean dumb simple
wine some cheap crap with high abv and a beg keg with a pot stil head under a banjo burner..........then u need a simple water pump a big cooler 10 gallons of water and a few bags of ice....attach the hoses to those side ports u see....... heat it steam comes out turn on the pump and get your drink on.............this stuff is clean no heads to worry about just stop it when it gets weak and make tails bottle for next time

i just gave them a crash course on how to do it somewhat right ........what i told them is how u make rum (real rum)

I actualy should have said jack not cider

But it would still work just fine , It would even be simipler

premiss being you can make a decent proff alchool without all the equipment


Well-Known Member
trust me if a solar stil was a option it would be on the market ...........the cost of copper is always going up and stainless is a bitch to work with since it is tig weld

the most effect still set up is run by the bacardi family............they use a very large large tank(talking 1000 gallons) this tank has set of pipes that run tho it and when it is time they vent steam tho those pipes and use it for other things with in the plant ...........the steam is the run off from the power plant on site that supplies them with all the engery they need by burning the processed cane (after they take all useable sugars )

there designs is a complex reflux still to get the bulk of the drink and larger pot stils to make the taste then they blend the 2 together to make what is sold

if solar stil system was effective they would use this in mexico and several other places that are hi sun low cloud .............this method will hurt u

as for distilling jack no point if u are going to pay that much money for something like that and then strip it down with a feint taste to it stronger .........the cost would put u under ...............the whole point of moonshining is to make something from nothing..............take a product that is cheap and turning it into something with a higher value

like weed .........some ppl are here for profit/some for meds/some for the thrill of growing it/other are here killing time is the same thing with moonshining if u are going to do it do it right ..........take pride in your work ..........and once u make it it best to share with buddies (how many of u want to be 80 and say yep i rem sitting around the camp fire drinkin on little shine ) and u guys with kids (females) when they go dating wouldn't u like to be sitting in the kitchen drinking from a mason jar in a pair of overalls no shirt cleaning your shotgun and say hello son so u are here to see my kid

i do it for fun and make a few bucks with some buddies ...............i have a 73 year old man hug me becuase he said it makes him feel 18 again drinking with his dad (was little shitty by then) ...............if u can mix up a complex feed for a hydro system and keep that going for a period of time u can moonshine


Well-Known Member
trust me if a solar stil was a option it would be on the market ...........the cost of copper is always going up and stainless is a bitch to work with since it is tig weld

the most effect still set up is run by the bacardi family............they use a very large large tank(talking 1000 gallons) this tank has set of pipes that run tho it and when it is time they vent steam tho those pipes and use it for other things with in the plant ...........the steam is the run off from the power plant on site that supplies them with all the engery they need by burning the processed cane (after they take all useable sugars )

there designs is a complex reflux still to get the bulk of the drink and larger pot stils to make the taste then they blend the 2 together to make what is sold

if solar stil system was effective they would use this in mexico and several other places that are hi sun low cloud .............this method will hurt u

as for distilling jack no point if u are going to pay that much money for something like that and then strip it down with a feint taste to it stronger .........the cost would put u under ...............the whole point of moonshining is to make something from nothing..............take a product that is cheap and turning it into something with a higher value

like weed .........some ppl are here for profit/some for meds/some for the thrill of growing it/other are here killing time is the same thing with moonshining if u are going to do it do it right ..........take pride in your work ..........and once u make it it best to share with buddies (how many of u want to be 80 and say yep i rem sitting around the camp fire drinkin on little shine ) and u guys with kids (females) when they go dating wouldn't u like to be sitting in the kitchen drinking from a mason jar in a pair of overalls no shirt cleaning your shotgun and say hello son so u are here to see my kid

i do it for fun and make a few bucks with some buddies ...............i have a 73 year old man hug me becuase he said it makes him feel 18 again drinking with his dad (was little shitty by then) ...............if u can mix up a complex feed for a hydro system and keep that going for a period of time u can moonshine

Solar stills are a option and they are on the market , and currently being used in many third world countrys and not just in places like mexico and india - article showing some basic designs

Buying jack to distill ??? , Like you said it's about making something from dam near nothing , Im not nessary talking about making 'shine' but just a high proof alchool that is fit for human consumption , Used for whatever like herbal extracts, cleaning sicors, anti-septic

I actually have built several stills mostly for distilling water , but I have bult 1 for alchool all copper 2" boka head with a secondary condenser , I think I only ran it twice (I dont drink or sell alchool) To me it's more about the build and having the ability to produce a very high proof alchool by myself

But again my point being that all the complicated stuff is not needed to make a high proof alchool , fermentation and distilation is a simple process no need to complicate things