Took a visit to the hydro shop...


Active Member
and they are some pretty cool people, i mean helpful anyways lol answered all my question, found out how much money i had to spend too but at least i had a setup i liked and picked out just waiting till next payday to get it. He was telling my that Fluorecents arent really great for anything but cloaning and MH is the way to go to see serious growth in vegitation...says it puts fluos to shame but alas i cannot make a comparison yet but we will see :roll:


Well-Known Member
i use a 200 watt cfl for veg and it works great and low heat and low cost to run all the time id go with cfls unless u have alot of plants or have a huge setup and dont mind spending extra cash on other stuff

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i have used a mh 400 and also at other times a 600 mh for veg this past year. The growth was awesome. In winter i did not have that much prob running a 600 bar bulb for veg but with an 8 inch 800 cfm fan exhausting out the window. Then I recently switched to a 4 foot 6 bulb 30 k lumens for veg and I am loving it. I dont even use a real fan for exhasut. Just a little duct booster. No heat. I dont really noticed a difference. I admot I would prob forget the difrence by now a month or two later and also I did use co2 for a while in veg. I had huge growth I mean. So no heat and a decent veg for that little power use has me stoked.


Active Member
im only going with like 6 plants mean seems like a pain in the ass to have 6 different fixtures being over 6 plants when i can run 1 for alll....i do realize theres a $$ difference to run there really no comparison in growth between cfl's and MH? for veg?


Well-Known Member
There is more to this than you may think, what is it that you want this lamp to do? I use a 4 bulb T5, does it work well for what I want it to do? Yes. They are kept very close to the top of the plants 2-3 inches maybe, so the foot print that you can grow under is pretty close the actual size of the lamp. Is heat a problem for you? It is for me and the T5s generate very little heat like Tea Tree said, I don't use a real fan either, I don't need it there. The other limiting factor is the height of the plants, how tall do you veg before flower? 12-18 inches you should be OK. If you need a 13mm socket wrench use that, if you need a #1 phillips head screwdriver use that. It's the right tool for the right job. I hope that this helps a little, I don't think that the hydro man is over selling. He wants you to have success and come back, think about what's best for your needs and you make the decision. My Hydro man tried to talk me out of the T5 also and I don't regret buying it, it works for me. My ambitions are modest so who knows. Good luck with your adventure and remember, your results may vary.


Active Member
Yeah, there is a difference between the two. A lot of people here do grow successfully with CFL, but you will get faster and more growth with MH/HPS. MH is the hotter of those few, so it depends on the rest of your setup and space. It will of course take more electricity to run MH/HPS so that's another thing to consider when choosing.


Active Member
Yeah, there is a difference between the two. A lot of people here do grow successfully with CFL, but you will get faster and more growth with MH/HPS. MH is the hotter of those few, so it depends on the rest of your setup and space. It will of course take more electricity to run MH/HPS so that's another thing to consider when choosing.
of coarse...takes money to make money. on that note i wonder if only going with 6 plants if mh is worth it or just say 6 plants does not really warent mh just stick with t5's? shit thousands of you guys on here all using t5's cant be wrong.:idea:


Active Member
Definitely go with the MH light, I have plants with 9-10 nodes now just over 3 weeks old. I see new growth everyday. They like the brightness, the heat and the blue spectrum it gives.


Active Member
of coarse...takes money to make money. on that note i wonder if only going with 6 plants if mh is worth it or just say 6 plants does not really warent mh just stick with t5's? shit thousands of you guys on here all using t5's cant be wrong.:idea:
Well if space and money isn't really an issue, you'll get a better grow with the higher end lights regardless of number of plants. We have a 400w HPS and are only doing 3 plants. I don't know much about the t5's, but yeah, loads of people use them on here and seem to do well :)