Took a chance... They may just die in the night


Well-Known Member
So my babies (yes i know they have no buds, they are not big and bushy, do not have any resin and have no sweet fruity smell) but they are how every other plant in here starts off.. well they are a little curled back and yellow/lime green. I did not water for 3 days to see if maybe i was over doing the water... that did not really help much. Light is at a nice distance away so not too hot..

The PH was messed up so just decided to add dolmite lime and give them a water with some biogrow organic nutes too... (Think thats why they may not make it thru the night ) had to do something drastic and now i wait... :neutral:

Indoor is so much harder than outdoor...

Here is my last outdoor grow well half way in... and here are the babies indoor looking shocker..



Well-Known Member
they are staying too wet ..... let them dry out before watering them. it might take a long time if the drainage aint right an the lil babies arent drinking that much either , so maybe three days wasnt enough.
DO NOT feed anymore yet. they are too little. if you want to do something drastic then take um out of the pot an see how wet they are or the general health of the roots.

i dont see one dose of organic food killing them but its very possible. those things are tiny an weak (like all seedlings)



Well-Known Member
Why type of dirt?
What type of light?
How often you watering?
Little babies like them you
can water once a week or
maybe 2 weeks in them big pots!


Well-Known Member
Its not that one, made sure mine didnt have any added nutrients. Want to add my own when the time is right and yea heard they burn the plants if its too much...


Well-Known Member
what does your dirt mix contain. the violet mixes are usally too acidic for reefer.

for now just let um dry real good.



Well-Known Member
Not 100percent sure going to give the nursery a call and find out and will post the result up.. It was an unmarked bag of AVM. I watered them with lime two days ago and after that and feeding them a little organic nutrient veg stuff they look a little healthier today. but you may be rite about the soil (worried) will update after call


Well-Known Member
A special medium rich in fine bark and vermiculite and with polystyrene balls added to improve aeration and drainage. Natural nutrients have been added for excellent root and plant growth.

Shit! (Natural Nutrients Added) No one told me about that... On the plus it drains very well, soft nice mix for the roots to grow.. but unsure of what they went and added into it... Not sure what to do as i was hoping my 5litre transplant would be my first and last


Well-Known Member
Maybe my plants were just getting used to the soil as i had them in some seedling mix and then transplanted them into this african violet mix stuff about 5 or 6 days prior to those pictures.. could have been shock...? just guessing here (out loud).. but i have looked after them really well so they should bounce back fast and the lime i added will balance the african violet mix's PH out nicely which it has done...


Well-Known Member
your fine but dont add any food at all , they are too little. the organic shit in the mix is probably a lil too much for them already, but they should grow out of it quick.



Well-Known Member
uhhhh at that size, you want to keep them in small pots, water very little, every 3 days, with VERY VERY WEAK ferts (if any) and if you choose ferts, NP no K. N for growth from soil up, P for root growth (soil down) but we are talking like 1/4th strength, max. and let the soil dry, that way the roots are growing (to seek water). if you water too often, the roots get lazy and dont grow

will they survive? sure. lots of sproutlings look like that. and in a month or 2 or so they should be around 1 foot. time and patience dude. and dont overwater/overfert. you baby them now, they get lazy. (and you cant beat this bad kids into shape)


RIU Bulldog
Lime needs to decompose in the soil for a while before you put any plants in it. I don't think I've heard of anyone using it as a top dressing


Well-Known Member
Lime needs to decompose in the soil for a while before you put any plants in it. I don't think I've heard of anyone using it as a top dressing
millions use it as a top dressing an it works , but not nearly as good as putting it into the soil first, an letting it start to decompose.
