Too Tall!! what can i so

]I currently have 4 plants about 3 of them are @ 3ft or so but i ahev another BEAST that is about 4ft.. TOO TALL for my closet space is there anything i can do about this they are in 2nd week of bud starting to see hairs but no but the strain is some type of haze and 2 unknowns...

Can i possibly tie it to something so it wont reach for the light anymore?

Sry for the title, just noticed** i meant to type DO**
ok cool i did think about that but was not sure... and yo those are some fuking tits.. ill give you rep, not for the advice but for that pix i cant stop looking lol


Weed Modifier
Yah man if you are worried of height you can tie it down and Mj is very flexible, Its called LST, low stress training...I also had this prob, and now mine looks like a snake they will bend and you can actually train them to grow in any direction you like experiment and you will see! Good luck hope I was helpful.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you are vegging too long. I find if you veg with an HPS, they tend to stretch. I rarely veg for longer than three weeks. Many people, especially with confined grows, have success going right to a 12 hour cycle from seed to harvest.
Yah man if you are worried of height you can tie it down and Mj is very flexible, Its called LST, low stress training...I also had this prob, and now mine looks like a snake they will bend and you can actually train them to grow in any direction you like experiment and you will see! Good luck hope I was helpful.
Will take the advice, im going to do it tonight, cause im a little high right now.. but it is helpful as well as new guys pix.thats exactly how mine looks in height but ill tie her down like that.. will the whole colas still produce a decent amt of bud since it wont be directly pointed towards the light? appreciate the help ++ rep for the help
Maybe you are vegging too long. I find if you veg with an HPS, they tend to stretch. I rarely veg for longer than three weeks. Many people, especially with confined grows, have success going right to a 12 hour cycle from seed to harvest.
yea mike i did grow too long, i was going to stop at 4 wks but decided to go to 7, they were all about 2 ft. but now they are growing faster than i thought so ill have to tie that bitch down like mash said lol
skiller the last update on that link looks nice. im curious how many nodes before you topped? im trying that method looks like u can have up to 4 colas and all get light if i had that set up here , nice