Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

Holy cannabis it's cold today and gonna get colder as the week progresses! Stay warm friends!

I am completely obliterated on some of the best weed I've smoked in ages and glad to say I grew it.

West coast friend out there, thank you for the beautiful 3rd Eye Blind beans....the Purple Pain Killer is also amazing! I hope you some how see this message Roy Buchanan fan! Miss you

Hello.... is there anybody in there....just nod if you can hear me.. is anyone home?

Where is everyone? I just have one thing to say...Winter Blows!

Hello.... is there anybody in there....just nod if you can hear me.. is anyone home?

Where is everyone? I just have one thing to say...Winter Blows!

It often depends on how it all comes together , but can sometimes be a monster that sneaks up on you when you least expect it..

Heading out tonight to gather a fresh batch. Got lots of free time right now & need to catch up on some great tunes. All I need now is a hands free continuous play feature for this thread when I return. Wishing you all the best for 2015 My Friend T & hope everyone is doing fine too.
Pinny it makes me happy to see you honey bunches of O's!

Munkee and Friend, you guys help me keep this place going thank you! I also want yall to know this is probably the year I finally visit the west coast near some of you! Hope to get together and have a chat and a joint or three!

Just a place to drop by and do your thang. Hit the vape, smoke a joint, have some coffee, sit a spell and converse. Play a tune you are listening to or latest band you think is groovy. Tell me about your day/evening/night. I find as I've grown ancient that your friends sort of fade away/die off and I find myself just wishing for conversation. Mundane as that sounds.

Pull up a chair, take a hit. Relax at the 2RS Coffee Shop.

All I ask is no drama, no juvenile are you circumcised/when you did you lose your virginity/high school dumb shit. I am pretty no nonsense but very friendly when you get to know me. I don't bite.... HARD anyway... :)

Annie can vouch for me that thus far I am a quite harmless music loving old hippie :)

I will start off. Today sucks. Been arguing with my husband. I've been married a little over a year and fucking hate it. The end.



I am playing this video again just cause I want to stress the point that every word she sings here, is saying exactly what is in my heart today.

Now for more caramel ice.... and Susan on repeat dammit. I have a mid term tomorrow and can't study for shit. Just fucking off at this point.

Hello there, a music loving old hippy eh? Sounds like the kind of invite I can't resist.
Hello and Welcome to the party!!!! Rival Sons is one of my fave bands saw them twice now!!

Headed out to the city to party everyone have an amazing weekend!