Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop


Well-Known Member
Lest we get too mellow round here...


What's everyone's big plans for the weekend?

My son is finishing up several weeks of training and starting a great new job Monday so we are going to celebrate that a bit, he was on a wrong path for a while, but turned his life around completely. When you want to change and improve your life it can be done, it just takes hard work and dedication. I could not be more proud.

Looks like rain most of the weekend bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Coffee today is fresh ground vanilla caramel that compliments this lovely caramel ice in the vape.



Well-Known Member
oh Miss.......just a cuppa joe for me this morning please, black. My weekend will be at home this time. Until I get this effing catheter out I'm not climbing any mountains or jeeping around on the logging roads. My current grow is ready for chop so thats my plan. So far the LA Chocolat is the tastiest, I may order some more of those, it's a hit with my customers. Got up at 2 to take meds then back to bed, around 3:30 my favorite cat found exactly the wrong place to step so I'm up for the day now.....don't anyone feel sorry for me, the pain will mostly be gone by next thursday when they remove the garden hose. have a good day stoners!


Well-Known Member
Dear James I hope everything is still going well with you, take it easy til that contraption is gone. Relax and take beautiful photos, they keep me very entertained. The photos with the mountains and lake are exceptionally gorgeous. I hope to make it to that side of the world one day, not yet ventured west further than Vegas.

I want to go see the new movie out today called "The Butler", it looks great.

Having the second cup of coffee and kicked back researching the family tree a bit. It's one of the best hobbies I've had yet. I get so lost in it I look up hours later and time has flown by. I bought the full access to world wide records on the ancestry site and actually went back to 1495 on one branch of the tree and still going. They simplify it for you and when you fill in your family tree sections that you know, other hints pop up on these names by automatically cross referencing the whole site. Its basically like filling in a flow chart and it soon becomes endlessly fascinating when the branches keep growing.

So far all I've found is Scottish/Irish/English in my background on both sides but there are still many branches yet to be filled in. I like knowing who I am and believe it or not you are never too old to still learn exactly who you are. Sometimes that gets clouded by things in life and you need a refresher course to remember how awesome you really are.

And each of you truly are a miracle.... never forget that. Each day above ground and you are still breathing is a blessing....

Today and everyday all I search for is peace. The greatest gift of all.



Well-Known Member
One of my top fave vocalists ever....


Starting to get cloudy like it may rain a little again today.... rained last nite so the dogs have just enough mud around their newly constructed fence to roll in and look all funky when I go to get them in the evening. Wonder why dogs like roll in nasty/stinky things? Ah the great unanswered questions in the universe...


Well-Known Member
hello all I am by no way new to the roll it up scene but I am very happy to have a seat in the coffee lounge. I wont bore you with my trials and errors suffice to say ive been burned, lied to and ripped off and im still smiling(idk how but I am). Hope everyone here is enjoying there day. My contribution to the music will be as follows [video=youtube_share;KJBTOC3Mfpk][/video]lmao ive lost my thread a few times!


Well-Known Member
VTM welcome to the shop, we tend to be a mellow, friendly bunch. Glad to see your smiling face here and know the shop stays open 24/7 to hang out, relax, meet new friends and listen to new tunes. Kick back and enjoy....



Well-Known Member
Oh any aloe lovers here? I posted my lady here at the gardening section check her out she loves her daddies green thumb![video=youtube_share;PFwom4D3i4g][/video]there's a rare one!


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;GRYy-soGoUI][/video] Going to aim for the sky
Keep my feet on the ground
Raise my voice to the heavens
Make a joyful sound


Well-Known Member
Fuck Yeah Friday Vibes through teh interwebs

Now is the time when Trousers will dance.



Well-Known Member
a bit of a rough day but the evening is looking better, snuck a flask of cheep whiskey into the coffee shop, don't bust me!



Well-Known Member
What a morning! Anyone feel like sharing with a broke patient? I'm paying attention to whats going on around my area and its scaring me. If you don't make 100grand a year there pushing you out of your hometown here! Wtf I cant even afford meds atm with 1200.00 a month rent whoa![video=youtube_share;3xJWxPE8G2c][/video] good ole joe!


Well-Known Member
Had a treat, an expensive cup of coffee, well four shots of exspresso in my mocha.


Well-Known Member
Hazlenut kahlua coffee, 3 Stooges marathon, about to get ready to go see the new movie The Butler this afternoon.

This song makes me laugh, Rick James is somewhere laughing in the universe....



Well-Known Member
Which then makes me think of the Gourds version of Gin & Juice....



Well-Known Member
And then there is the completely unexpected Zac Brown Band who does mostly country, absolutely doing a great job with one of my favorite Rage Against the Machine songs... Killing in the Name Of



Well-Known Member
Ahhhh, brunch in the coffee shop. I love the aroma in here.:smile:bongsmilie



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Staff member
Ugh, I couldn't sleep last night so I drank a beer and smoked the bong (way to much), and today I'm hung over. I could almost feel sorry for myself, almost. So now I need to go to the sporting goods store and buy a nose clip. I can not believe I've turned into such a priss. I embarrass myself.
