Too potent pot?

And wait til my co2 cycls down a.d i pop my hatch and then the hps an hour later my 155w compact then the secret after that..... My method of lighting is nuts built my own leds with my own spectrometer

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
idk if weed can be too potent. maybe for the person smoking it if they cannot have self control or doesnt know how dank the weed is. the buds that i have right now one hit gets me super high. i know not to smoke it before i do certain things so i dont get to high. you just have to know your weed.


Well-Known Member
And to boot i live in effin ohio bro... The weather heres a whole diffrent beast
lol wanna smoke one? jk but for real man i got light spectrum i use HID gotta learn about light penetration and intensity, LED and FLouro will never compare, but in thier own way they have their purposes, as for general growing its HID. and if you guy want to know the real secret, its mimicking nature and then taking it step further. i have a sunrise, sunset, UV comparable to a tropic regin, co2 so i can reach the levels of air exchange like outside or even greater this gives me great yields short flower times and copius amt. of resin/tricomb formation thats my secret, that and the soil i use. but im not going into soil now thats a trade secret.shhh!(jk no it just your basic handmade soiless with some organic ferts.)


Active Member
wow this sure sounds involved. any sort of HPS in an LED lit garden is just about useless waste of electricity15% of the spectrum is used... LEDs can run as high as 80-90%. If you are diligent enough to make your own LEDs then choose a spectrum mix that does not need any extra help the only thing that should have you beat is the glorius sun. Keep in mind with Co2 that most of the benefits are experienced above 80 degreee farenhiet, great for summer but during the cooler months yer just growing mushgrooms. With 3 large apollo 20 banks our room hits 75 on a hot ie (90') day.

LED's without lensing will not penetrate nearly as well. Score some optics from a LED distributor for your led size and light the floor up!



Well-Known Member
when i say HID i mean all of them MV(the UV kind) MH(all kinds right now im partial to the coralvue 6700k) AND HPS but very specific brands, im looking for uniformity in spectrum(ie digilux, hortilux). then on top of that my true secret weapon which i haven't got to play with will be adding some T5 coralwaves.

really i dont have any secrets the secret to growing good weed is to not disturb the plants.


Well-Known Member
wow this sure sounds involved. any sort of HPS in an LED lit garden is just about useless waste of electricity15% of the spectrum is used... LEDs can run as high as 80-90%. If you are diligent enough to make your own LEDs then choose a spectrum mix that does not need any extra help the only thing that should have you beat is the glorius sun. Keep in mind with Co2 that most of the benefits are experienced above 80 degreee farenhiet, great for summer but during the cooler months yer just growing mushgrooms. With 3 large apollo 20 banks our room hits 75 on a hot ie (90') day.
i want to start combing t5 and hps for just this reason.... 400w hps and coralwave t5s with som arcadias talking the bomb ass spectrum pure sunlight with good fucking penitration.


Well-Known Member
lol i had some cuts of your shit yeah thats proof enough, so your the creator of the bluegrass? ive only seen those plants one other place and she got them off a friend i hear and ive never seen anybody else besides me her and you with that strain, its super recognizable.


Well-Known Member
some of the fruitest i have come across if your are the creator props man it was some good shit but i flowered out my cut on accident. so no clones to prove my point although if i can find some old pics ill put it up overhere.


Well-Known Member
sheriff star bottom left of a post on the frame. it was some smelly shit, almost on par with the blue cheese, i just remember th flavor just like th blue cheese the cure isnt neccessary for the flavor but once it does ohwee!


Well-Known Member
shit is it a specific strain that has that effect on you? i have friends who have that happen but its like all weed does it to them, they tell me they had a really bad experience last time they smoked so i guess it sort of takes toll on them.
Certain strains overdone will cause me to do this...especially if I have just taken the plant down for strain in particular I always have to talk myself out of a panic attack with is DNA Genetics Rocklock. Right after I take it down to jar I try some, and it always gets me worrying about something...After the initial freakout I am good to go and get super stoned til the next time I take a new plant only happens every once in awhile. I love the stuff though...that and when it starts I always know that I am having a weed induced freak out.