Too Much Water


Active Member
I think I have drounded my clones. I lost two already and a third today. I think I caught the problem in time to save the rest.

My question is there a way to arriate the soil without disturbing the roots? I would really rather not risk the shock of pulling the rootball at this stage.


Well-Known Member
i had to pull most of mine for fear of root rot after a sick amount of now fuckin rain for weeks go figure... just dig around the plant and easy to pull root system out with wet loose soil and transplant them again in better ground.....and i planted em deep so stems stayed str8 good luck


Active Member
Thanx. this is my first attempt at serious growing and I am impatient. I transplanted the clones too soon and overwatered. I read somewhere to "leach" the soil so I did and thought that doing it a lot would be better. duh Rookie mistake right?

I have lost 3 of 6. All three losses were from the same shop with poor florusent lighting way too close, about 1" on a 24hr. photoperiod. I transplanted and intoduced to sunlight within 48 hours of purchase. I think the roots were shocked and then dround.

I am using this as a lesson. I am going to buy 3 more and see if two weeks under flouresents will do the trick. Looks like I wont know til late Oct. now.

Any comments/advice is much appreciated at this point.

Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
could of been uv sun exposure Did you put them out in the sun for hours or are you gradually giving them more sunlight day to day?


Active Member
Outdoor between 645-745am. Sunlight from about 930am to 4pm.
Indoor between 6pm and 1030pm based on temperature and me being around.

I was really pumped on growing outdoor so I moved them directly outside.

Answer: No. I moved them into direct sunlight.


Well-Known Member
you need to keep the plants in the shade for a few days or so to get them used to the intensity of the sun. Make sure the clones have a good root structure too. Keep them under the flourescent for a week or so to build up the root structure, then set them out in the shade for a few days and then full sun.