too much stretch on seedlings?


Active Member
I started some seeds in a seedling tray/dome on a heat mat. They have all sprouted a few days ago but they are 3-4" tall with just 1 (possibly 2) sets of leaves.they are very fragile looking,skinny little girls. I know the strech was probably from being too far from the light, but will they catch up with their height?


Well-Known Member
Move the lights closer and that will stop the stretch...the stems will thicken up and they will be fine...just move the lights closer as soon as possible


bud bootlegger
or if you have some room at the top of your pots, if they are in soil, simply add some more soil to the tops of the plants to help support your fragile stems till they get bigger and thicker..
adding a fan will also help to strengthen them up as well..


Active Member
What kind of light system?
After germination I move to 1 1/4 peat pots.
I move flourescent lights within 2 inches on just emerging. Move to 1000w halide at a light hieght of 3 to 4 feet from plant.
If when transplanting peat pots to larger cups and they have stretched more than I like or if like in your case.
I just lower the planting depth so the leaf area is above ground, thus taking care of the problem of to stretchy of a plant.
You are kinda on the long side though. With good lights and a little fan action they will grow out of it.


Well-Known Member
Had the same issues with a few of my recent babies, moved up near my lights, like literally nearly upon on them, the stretch has stopped and the spread and new growth began :) Also I have space to put more soil in peat pots as they compacted way down when watered the first few times which can only help with support and better root system :)

The will catch up as long as treated right, and honestly I in a way like skinny sexy little girls :) OOPS we mean cannabis :-/ ...... LOL Still stretched out skinny little girls in away can be nice as long as stretch as early height helps yield at the jump i.m.o. as long as the steps are takin to spoil and treat your princesses right !!!!
