Too much or not enough?


Well-Known Member
I’ve got 8 C99 x hash plants that are currently 3 ½ weeks into 12/12. They are sitting in 20oz party cups using the hempy system. I’m using a 4.5x4.5x6.5 grow tent with a 400w HPS, duct fan moving plenty of air through the light for exaust. I’ve also got an A/C unit in there to help with temps, however there have been a few times it’s gotten to around 90oF but usually stays around 78oF. I’ve been using General Hydroponics 3 part flora series for nutes. I was using it at full strength but just switched to ½ strength. About 4 days ago I noticed this dark discoloration on a few of the larger leaves on only a few of the plants. I flushed all the girls and 2 days later they looked worse. I’ve included a picture of 3 of the leaves. They show the progression of what is going on. Does anyone recognize what is going on here? :wall: Any help will get +rep. thanks and happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
It looks like you may have overfertilized, or your pH levels are off. It also kind of looks like Calcium/Magnesium deficiency. Do you use a CalMag supplement?

Here is a chart that shows what nutrients will lock out at different pH levels. Maybe it can help you figure out what is happening based on your pH levels. The top chart is for soil, the bottom one is for hydro.


Sorry I can't provide more help, I've only grown in soil but perhaps this can help you pinpoint the problem.


Active Member
Maybe Nitrogen Toxicity or P Def. Hard to tell by a few leaves, Where on the plant did the problem begin? What were the first signs?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the ph chart Antigen! I printed it up for future reference.

Below0 When i took the picture, i pulled off 3 leaves that represent the 3 stages I have seen them go through in a matter of 4 days. The leaf on the far left of the pic shows what it looked like when i first noticed it. The one in the middle is what it looked like the next day, and the one on the far right of the pic shows how they looked on day 4. I only noticed this on about 2-3 leaves per plant, and on most of the plants it was only on the lower older leaves. It's not taking over yet, but it needs to get under control now before it gets worse. They are not geting much N right now. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
You should take pictures of the whole plant, instead of a few troubled leaves. It'll help us figure things out. Some problems start at the top leaves, others bottom, and often when we just see "only the plant" too, we cant tell much about your grow room / environment.

It does sound like having a plant flower in a 20oz party cup might be part of the issue. If this is the best pot you have, I dont wanna SEE the grow room!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input kitty. I will try to snap a few pics once the lights come on if you wanna SEE whats going on. The idea of the cups is basically a small sog setup that works very well allowing me to keep up to 20 plants in my area and pull an average of 1/4oz dried off each girl. Been working for myself and a few of my friends. There are also a few guys doing some really impressive stuff in party cups and even a party cup grow competition. Got a thread of it going on here. you should look it up. so, even though i have many pots of various sizes that are all very suitable for the job of holding my girls during flowering, they are in fact in the best pot for the job at hand.


Well-Known Member
Ok, let’s start over. I could really use a hand with this one guys! Growin 7 Cinderella 99 X Hash plant. Started noticing this happening to only 2-3 girls a few days ago. Some of the lower foliage starts getting darker spots on them then gradually spreading and causing the leaf to yellow with dark spots. They are in a room 4.5x4.5x7 with 400W HPS and an A/C unit in the room maintaining 78-82oF. Been feeding them General Hydroponics 3 part flora series @ half strength as per the label. Also been giving them Gentek Monster Bloom (0-50-30) @ 3g (1/2 tsp) per 19L (5 gal) water starting 1 week after visible flowing. As soon as I noticed it starting, I flushed all the girls for 3 days and it kept getting worse. I then started adding the nutes back and it’s still getting consistently worse. I’m at a complete loss right now. Any help will receive +rep and be very appreciated. PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
Are those leaves red, or is that just your camera/lights?

After a month into flowering, you should start getting some yellowing and browining of the lower, older fan leaves. The plant is using energy from them to make the buds, and you shouldn't try to 'fix' it by giving extra fertilizers. Also don't remove these leaves until they fall off or come off with very gentle pulling. The plant needs their energy and it will let go of the leaves when it is done with them.

You should also make sure your pH levels are correct before you start giving nutes, if the pH is wrong the plant won't be able to absorb them.


Well-Known Member
Are those leaves red, or is that just your camera/lights?

After a month into flowering, you should start getting some yellowing and browining of the lower, older fan leaves. The plant is using energy from them to make the buds, and you shouldn't try to 'fix' it by giving extra fertilizers. Also don't remove these leaves until they fall off or come off with very gentle pulling. The plant needs their energy and it will let go of the leaves when it is done with them.

You should also make sure your pH levels are correct before you start giving nutes, if the pH is wrong the plant won't be able to absorb them.
Thanks Antigen! They are not red, just the camera. My previous grows never looked like this, so i was kind of freaking out, but i've never grown this strain before. the stems are a little brown, but i will just keep an eye on them. Thanks again, this makes me feel a lot better. +rep my friend.


Active Member
I take it you also have been trimming leaves off?

in the pics it looks just like the lower foliage dying off.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip on the cups and your grow style, its neat! You look well into flowering, so losing those lower leaves isnt a biggie -- they store the energy for the buds, and will certainly look unhealthy towards the end of flowering. That's pretty normal, but your only 3 1/2 weeks into flowering........ 3 1/2 weeks into flowering is almost exactly where I am in my grow journal (see signature for link if you like), and there's really no discolorations whatsoever. A few leaves on the bottom were trimmed a few days ago but nothing out of the ordinary.

What's the ppm of the water your using? pH? I really think you have a nutrient deficiency or toxicity rather than "normal" grow right now.......... ph/ppm will help solve that pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
havn't really been trimming. I removed some of the leaves that were 50% or more damaged/dying. It is happening mostly on the lower portions of the plants though. Lights on in 1 hour. I'll post any changes. Thanks again for your input.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip on the cups and your grow style, its neat! You look well into flowering, so losing those lower leaves isnt a biggie -- they store the energy for the buds, and will certainly look unhealthy towards the end of flowering. That's pretty normal, but your only 3 1/2 weeks into flowering........ 3 1/2 weeks into flowering is almost exactly where I am in my grow journal (see signature for link if you like), and there's really no discolorations whatsoever. A few leaves on the bottom were trimmed a few days ago but nothing out of the ordinary.

What's the ppm of the water your using? pH? I really think you have a nutrient deficiency or toxicity rather than "normal" grow right now.......... ph/ppm will help solve that pretty quick.
Thanks for coming back and tryin to help out kitty! You've got a sick lookin setup bro. Plants are looking big and healthy, keep up the good work! I just remembered last night that these girls have a 50 day flowering period, not 60 so i'm closer to harvest than i was thinking. So i think that the leaves are dying off like they are supposed to. I don't have a ph meter right now so i havn't been able to check it in a while. I'm sure that has something to do with it as well. I have been using rainwater whenever possible, but i know that once you add the nutes the ph usually changes. i'll pick up that meter this weekend. +rep for coming back and helping me out! Thanks!