Too much light?


I will have 2 x 30litre per sec fans.

Have i got this right? im no good at maths
2x2x7 = 28cubic feet
1cubic foot = 28litre
28 x 28 = 784 litre
2 x 30 litre per sec fans = 3600 litre per minute

Would that be good enough for ventilation? or should i add a couple of vents into roof?


Cheers guys, ok hard to have to much light but is my vent plan enough?

2x2x7 = 28cubic feet
1cubic foot = 28litre
28 x 28 = 784 litre
2 x 30 litre per sec fans = 3600 litre per minute
3600/784 = 4.5turn over per minute

Would that be good enough for ventilation? or should i add a couple of vents into roof?


Well-Known Member
my calculations say that fan is 64cfm...

30 * 60 / 28 = 64...theoretically yeah you are replacing the shit out of that probably only need one...get a variable speed fan controller and adjust it as needed...i doubt you'll need to have it set on high if your intake is at the bottom and your exhaust where the fan is up top.


Active Member
sounds like enough air exchange to me m8. maybe too much if you are in the veg cycle as you need good humidty. i agree with massah in saying u prob only need 1. that is if your temps are ok.:peace:


I havent bought anything yet hehe just doing a little more research and those fan controllers have just completed my shopping list, its at 500notes, ebay sellers going to love me by end of week lol


Well-Known Member
i have a 600w setup right now in a 3x3x6feet.......well actually my ballast blew out this morning so really i dont have shit at the moment


Active Member
I'm a cheap bastard..i'd just get dimmer switches lol :D
ha ha. i hear you there m8. just too expensive hobby as it is. if i dont need it ill make do with what if got. much rather spend that money on better nutes/ more light. still tho ash the plants enviroment is the most vital element to growing so that needs to be right before anything.


ha ha. i hear you there m8. just too expensive hobby as it is. if i dont need it ill make do with what if got. much rather spend that money on better nutes/ more light. still tho ash the plants enviroment is the most vital element to growing so that needs to be right before anything.
Aye seeds are last on the to get list


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be running a dimmable 600 in a 2x3x7 closet. One thing I know for me anyway is it will absolutely have to be air cooled! I'm running a older 250 mH right now with the ballast attached and open hood and its still pretty difficult for me to control the temps. Thats with an extra a/c duct ran to my closet too. It really depends on ambient temp, when my a/c shuts off I'll be sitting between 90-93 and thats with a high powered 70 cfm computer fan.. Personally I'm running a 160 cfm inline fan to help cool the room, if you can get away with lower cfm fans then good for you but it might be a little harder to control then you think.


I'm gonna be running a dimmable 600 in a 2x3x7 closet. One thing I know for me anyway is it will absolutely have to be air cooled! I'm running a older 250 mH right now with the ballast attached and open hood and its still pretty difficult for me to control the temps. Thats with an extra a/c duct ran to my closet too. It really depends on ambient temp, when my a/c shuts off I'll be sitting between 90-93 and thats with a high powered 70 cfm computer fan.. Personally I'm running a 160 cfm inline fan to help cool the room, if you can get away with lower cfm fans then good for you but it might be a little harder to control then you think.
If thats turns out to be the case i shall install some extra vents/fans.

Thanks for heads up