Too much Light or Nutrients? Need exp. advice..


Active Member
A little background: Have 2 gardens. 1st one I personally set up all equip. and generated the nutrient schedule, friend is now managing, and is on auto pilot- last harvest was absolutely amazing in yield and quality.

Finally got my medical card, and was able to set up a garden at my home.
I basically mimicked everything that I had done at the 1st garden, especially the feeding schedule that I made copies of, and doing the exact same as the first garden.

MY PROBLEM: About 2-3 weeks into my first round at garden #2 the leaves started to turn yellow, but not as they typically do when there is a nut. def. As you can see from my pics. The yellowing sort of fades in from the outer edges, to inner leaf, but instead of completely turning yellow and eventually falling off, the edges towards week 5 &6 will turn brown and start to crust, and then the leaves will start shrinking, turning all yellow, and all points brown. The pistils turn brown early, and flowers are stagnant in growth. Same strain at garden #1, produced 6-14 oz, where @ garden #2 they barely produced 2 oz's.

I use x2 PH and PPM meters,(double check every time). I work with a lot of experienced growers in my area all who use a similar nutrient schedule but garden #2 is the first time I have seen this. The following is my nut. schedule. Hygrozyme is used once a week at most.

Week 1: Cal Mag, Bud Blood, Bloom Terra (PH 6.5-6.8, PPM aprox. 800)
Week 2-5: Cal Mag, Hygrozyme, Sweetner (Bana Mama, Sweet Leaf, or Floral Nectar) , Big Bud, Bloom Tera
( I start using Bud Blaster in week 3, but only 10% strength, and gradually build it up to 50% strength by week 6)
Week 6-7: Cal Mag, Hygrozyme, Sweetner, Overdrive, Boom Terra @ 50%, B. Blaster.
Week 8: Water

At first I thought I had a problem with the concentrates not dissolving or mixing properly, as I saw some residue in my mixing barrels after using. I switched to liquid Big Bud, and made an extra effort to mix better but still the leaves kept yellowing and burning.

What I recently have come to believe is that my plants are either receiving to much light, (not heat, because they are in vented hoods, and produce very little heat), or possibly too much nutrients for the amount of light it is receiving or both.

The only real difference between the two gardens is garden #1 is injected w/C02, where #2 is not. Could this be the reason that garden #1 is able to absorb all the nutrients so much more effeciently? The lights seem to be the same height away.. Maybe garden #2's room is slightly smaller too.

In a 12x12 typical bedroom, I have x4 1000 HPS, in 8" vented hoods. Had 5, but unplugged 1, that was in middle not in a vented hood. My temp is always 76-79, humidity is low. In the last week I raised my lights over a foot. So currently the lights are just about 3' above the top of the plants. I have also decreased my nutrient strength.

I'm still worried because not only does the yellowing seem to persist, the tips of the pistils are now just starting to brown, which was the first warning last time when the whole crop went to shit..

Can anyone be so kind to tell me if I'm on the right track with raising the lights, or decreasing nutrients? Please? Thanks

Cheddar - Portland, OR


Well-Known Member
i cant tell you much about your nutes....I personally use canna....but your nute mixture looks real similar to others so you should get some advice from someone who knows........also pics might dont have too much light.....I use 4 600w hps and a 1000w mh in my 8'x8' room....


Active Member
Thanks for the advice, historically I have not used a "leacher" or flushed except during the last week. Since it did not seem to be a problem at garden #1, I did not either at #2, however Clearex may be something that I will be doing very soon, if I can't figure anything else out. Thanks again.


Active Member
If anyone has a lot of experience using C02, is it possible that the reason garden #1 looks
good but #2 doesn't is because the Co2 is allowing the plants to take in the high level of nutrients? A couple of "seasoned" growers at my local shop believed that it could either be the absence of c02/ w the same amount of nutrients, or a salt build up..