Too Many Lumens???


Have some seedlings in a cabinet. 100 watt MH. Flat white material surrounding them. Most of the light is focused within about 1 square foot.

So thats over 8000 lumens focused in 1 square foot. Light is just about a foot away from my seedlings. Seed leaves or w/e have been acting weird.... bending and twisting in odd irregular directions. Too much light???

The first two true leaves looked fine.


Active Member
Yea, if they just sprouted, then that's to much light. Also, they will be very prone do drying out and burning. I made the same mistake about two weeks ago, but I had mine sitting under a 400 hps. Needless to say, my plants also began to contort and bend in odd ways. Though it was suggested to me that I place my seedlings under some fluorescents for about a week; took the suggestion and since them my seedlings are doing great (except for the couple that never stood straight again...).

Best of luck.


either too much light or not enough air flow and that can dry out them fast
I had a feeling. Thanks so much.

they willget used to it.
would you suggest temporarily reducing the intensity of light?

either too much light or not enough air flow and that can dry out them fast
I have 3 pc fans in a 22x24x28 cabinet. One blowing over the plants and an intake and exhaust fan. Def. enough.

It has to be the light. and i thought they were stretching lol.:wall:


no leave the light in there. just make sure it dont burn yurplants keep the temps nice


Well-Known Member
No, very unlikely to be too much light. A summer day in North America is around 10,000 lm/sq ft.

Could be a heat issue.


It cant be heat. My wired thermometer is right next to the seedlings.
Never gets above 87. usually about 85-83.
Fan right over them to strengthen stems and circulate air and an intake and exhaust fan.
The exhaust fan even pulls air right off the light housing.
Heres the pics. Last pic is older, but gives you an idea with the fan and all. No pics of the reflective stuff set up.:-?



Well-Known Member
It cant be heat. My wired thermometer is right next to the seedlings.
Never gets above 87. usually about 85-83.
Fan right over them to strengthen stems and circulate air and an intake and exhaust fan.
The exhaust fan even pulls air right off the light housing.
Heres the pics. Last pic is older, but gives you an idea with the fan and all. No pics of the reflective stuff set up.:-?
Your trippin... those are healthy, happy seedlings... keep doing what your doing... and if you plan to finish them indoors, you are going to need to do something about heat, and ADDing more light. Fluorescent lights are good to keep heat down, :peace:


Your trippin... those are healthy, happy seedlings... keep doing what your doing... and if you plan to finish them indoors, you are going to need to do something about heat, and ADDing more light. Fluorescent lights are good to keep heat down, :peace:
Thanks everyone. I feel like the noob that i am now. lol

Im planning on a hps. 250 would fit, but im not sure if ti gets hotter then my 100 mh.


hell yeah it gets hotter... im using a 250 now and i can tell you with a good fan you can get it to 4-5 inches fromthe top of your plants with no problems. visit they got 250 watt set up for hella cheap