Too many branches?.....


New Member
I'm going to flower the plant in the pictures soon. I FIMMed the plant twice and I've ended up with like 14 branches, with like 6 main branches. Some one suggested that I trim some of the inner branches that wouldn't have much/any yield before flowering. Does anyone else agree..or strongly disagree..



Well-Known Member
it looks that u are outside in a green house ..............leave them alone and keep a eye on it add some extra feed in when it is flowering ............the only reason u ever trim it down is due to lack of light getting to that point

the only thing u trim is YELLOW leaves if the leaf is more then 50% yellow trim it off close to the branch or stalks..........this is safe to do as the plant has yellowed it and u are doing it to prevent bugs from being attrached to it

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
reason u ever trim it down is due to lack of light getting to that point

the only thing u trim is YELLOW leaves if the leaf is more then 50% yellow trim it off close to the branch or stalks..........this is safe to do as the plant has yellowed it and u are doing it to 'prevent bugs from being attrached to it'
Some of the many reasons why you may have to selectively defoliate. I would say your plant has seen proper selective defoliation. She's good. I hope you rooted a clone outta the deal.


Well-Known Member
I agree.. clone it maybe, then let her stretch... then have a look. You won't really know how the bottom nugs are going to turn out until you've flowered her once, atleast. I don't worry about top cola size, I'm personally more interested in overall yield, the top colas get trimmed down into smaller nugs anyways.