too low ph = nitrogen burn ???


New Member
Hi all.. thanks to some help in another forum here I have learned hydro ph should run between 5.8 -6.2. (Reservoir's had been ph'ed at 5.5 - 5.7.)

So, does 'too low' ph tend to create nitrogen burn? The curling/twisting and yellowing/crispy leaves? Because of osmosis water (and the yellowing) cal-mag was added but I'm not sure it's the needed fix. I don't think it's nute burn as ppm has been 300-500 (seedling's/cuttings/vegetative).

Also, does it matter when adding water if you ph it before adding or ph the whole resovoir after adding?


Active Member
when the ph is off it causes nute lock out witch leads to nute burn. take a look at some of the graphs online and you will have an idea of what nutes will be locked out


Well-Known Member
And what happens is as the plant feeds the EC/PPM (strength) of the nute solution drops and the pH rises,allowing all macro and micro elements to be tajen up ehich is why I recommend hydro growers start with a pH of 5.5 and soil growers to start with a pH of 6.0

And to answer your question,you should pH AFTER mixing your nutes in,not before.

Also some nutes need to be mixed in seperately like any 2 part or 3 part nutes ie;

When using GH's Floramicro,Floragrow,Florabloom,or just GH's Floramicro and Florabloom.You would add the Floramicro first and mix,then add the Floragrow and mux,then the Florabloom and mix,then pH it.