too Late to start a plant outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Depends where you live, we had no winter last year at all but it is kind of late or just about on the cusp now. Hell its only a plant get it out there.


Active Member
in the northern hemisphere you can still put them out. they won't get monstrously big though, but better than nothing.


Active Member
best of luck to yh btw i had a late start this year as well......i just keep tellin myself its better than nuthin


hope you get 2 females!! goodluck
I sure hope you get 2 females ...
but from my personal experience whenever i start in seeds anything outdoors that doesn't get more than 2 months vegging i end up with hermie plants...but trust me it's worth it after all ...a hermie with 1 or 2 oz is better than nothing...


they were feminized seeds. put them outside.
One looks ok but it is leaning over. seems healthy tho. the other one doesn't look so good. 2 of the leaves are yellow and look dead. any thoughts???


Well-Known Member
they were feminized seeds. put them outside.
One looks ok but it is leaning over. seems healthy tho. the other one doesn't look so good. 2 of the leaves are yellow and look dead. any thoughts???
did you harden them off to acclimate them to the weather change?