too late to re-pot?


Hey y'all,

This is my second growing season and I switched to the cloth pots which seem to be the way to go.
l've realized that I should have planted my clones in bigger sized pots however. The ones I have are 5 or 8 gallon, and I'm thinking of switching them to 10 gallon. The plants have been growing for about 2.5 months. They seem to be doing really well but I'd like to give them all the help that I can...



Well-Known Member
What's your daylight times like? If your at least a few weeks / Month away from flower it's worth it. Yes this time could be growth but the root system is very important and to run into rootbound problems mid flower is no fun. 5 to 10 not 8 to 10. 2 gal not worth it but x2 size is just
my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
You may do more damage than good.. Ever tried getting a big plant out of a grow bag?
I suppose you could cut them off..