Too late to plant? smoking a fine mango dooby


Active Member
I planted these seeds like 7 or 8 days ago and they haven't popped out of the soil yet..(they we're planted 1 cm into the soil)And yes i germinated them before planting them if you we're asking..

I was just wondering if they we're dead when i checked them under the soil if it would be to late to start another batch and plant once again?
Cheers:joint: :peace: :evil: :twisted: :cuss: :leaf: :leaf: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Are you high enough you forgot you posted this exact question 3 hours ago? It's only two threads below this one. I wish I were that high.

Give them two more weeks, then start over if they haven't sprouted.


Well-Known Member
never to late to start over

just scratch the surface and see if they are growing

and 1cm thats not that deep.....i put mine at 1/2"


Well-Known Member
no one knows your growing outdoors unless you let us know

you dont need to pm me to ask this

do you know if they are dead.........check them


New Member
i know an we all have givin him the same awnsers....if you have nothing growing after 8 fucked up...i get most seeds planted with roots an coty'sin a couple days....try a new starting stop postin this damn thread...


Active Member
the best way to germinate i found is to line the inside of a cup with really fine grit sand paper throw the beaners inside and shake for 10 secs, then put them in a bag of water seal it up tight and put it in a heating pad on medium ,i started 14 seed just yesterday usiing this method and 5 sprouted already(hasent even been 24 hours yet ,isnt that amazing??)