Too late or just right for AZ outdoor?


Well-Known Member
thinkin bout starting a few to throw outdoors now that the temps finally staying less than or equal to like 105. I just dont have a very great understanding of Arizona's outdoor grow cycle but I know that when I put one outside around this time a year or two ago,it did pretty good and kept budding till it got taken out by an early frost. Anyways, Constructive critisicm only please, I realize you may not think this is a very intelligent question but good for you cause I dont have the answer. (Anything planted earlier this year would have been baked without daily waterings, possibly multiple times a day.)


Active Member
it's a little late, but do it anyways. im sure you'll still get bud but not as much as if you started them earlier


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply. Do you know about the light cycle in AZ? ive looked it up some but emberassing as it is to admit, growing up here, I don't understand seasons because we have one season..HOT lol but ill give like four of em a go, thats not a huge loss even if nothing comes of it. Should do alright now that we're into the monsoons and hopefully cooling down soon.


I am actually about to throw a few outdoors too. They're all done germinating today so I will be planting them and such tomorrow. I've not really researched much and they aren't expensive seeds, so I'm just using them for a feel of the climate here. I've got five going in the ground, two into pots. Keep an update of how yours come along and we can maybe compare results?

Happy growing!