Too late for this one?

Ill name my babies 1 and 2:

My first try and I think I've already screwed up. I had two seeds. I ended up having to leave for 3 days right after they cracked. Before I left I put 1 in a small pot in a regular room with window light and 2 was in a dark room. It was that or lose them both.

When I got home I found that 1 was a yellow tip barely breaking soil and possibly dead. 2 was 4 inches long searching for light. Keep in mind that 2 was in complete darkness.

I replanted 2 and just ran the 4 inch long stem horizontal. She has already shed her shell in just a few hours.

I think 1 was in soil that was too moist. It is basically a yellow nub. Not green.


#1 - Will the yellow nub come back if I nurse it?
#2 - Since I planted the long stem horizontal and she is still poking up do you think I'll be ok?

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
I think you might need to link each one. But I think the leggy plant will do just fine - it seems to be a fighter, so it may be a keeper. As for the nub, don't count on it, probably.
I think you might need to link each one. But I think the leggy plant will do just fine - it seems to be a fighter, so it may be a keeper. As for the nub, don't count on it, probably.
Strangely enough the nub had light and soil that held water. The other one was only watered before I went out of town and was in total darkness along with a cacti desert type of medium.
Opinions on this? I think I might need to be in the micro grow category.

Keep in mind that her stretch was in total darkness due to me leaving town for an emergency. She is currently as you see in the pics.