too late for fl?


New Member
i already have 2 random bagseeds (i personally think mango something) growing outside, been out since april ones going strong at about 2.5 ft another at about 2, i had to bring the biggest inside for a few days because a tree fell in the back yard due to recent storms and now i think shes pre-flowering, (leaves turned pretty bright green) ive just bout always been able to see sex since a little after toping. anyways...

few questions,
is it too late to buy some good genetics and start a few new ones?
will my plant go back into veg if i throw it back out into the sunlight it's used to?
if i do decide to buy some, what would be a good strain for my area? ive heard of malawi any other good ones?

ill put pics up tomorrow any other fl growers out there? if so, any tricks of your trade?