too hot


im on my first grow, growin an autoflower plant, after fukin up quite a few seeds in my grow box i tried to start growing them in a propagator which worked great and all the seeds have popped through the soil, however im not sure when i should put them back in the grow box (at the moment they are just under a window and a very weak desk lamp).

i just tried putting one into the box and it drooped after about an hour in there, i've got a 250w cfl dual spectrum bulb and its get unbelievably hot in there, does anyone have any advice on when i should transfer the plants into there? when will they be strong enough to withstand the heat?



Active Member
if you cooled your box with some intake and output the temp would be lower and your plants might be happier in there


Well-Known Member
Is there ANY thing you can do yet about ventilation? I wouldnt put anymore plants in your "grow box" till you get the ventilation dialed in bud...... you are asking for headaches till you do. Its pretty obvious your box is not ready to be flowered in if you put your plants in there and they cant withstand the heat. A small investment in a booster fan would solve your problem till you could afford an inline fan.


i could leave the doors open, and i already have a small fan in there which im guessing would cool it down if the doors were open. my plants are only 3 days old though so im guessing i may just be putting them in way too quickly?

cheers for the advice guys