Too Hot in Grow Box HELP


Active Member
I recently constructed a stealth grow box out of an oldschool, big ass speaker box. I have 2 ventilation holes through the back where the bass air used to come out of. I also have 4 26 watt CFLs suspended from the top of the box, a thermometer, and a small fan. When I opened up the box to check the plants on the first day, it was hotter than hell in there so I put in the thermometer. I came back the next day and it said that the temperature was about 95 degrees.. That is way too hot and asking for the death of my baby plants. I am running the lights 18 on and 6 off and I am trying to keep the door open so it can get some A/C from my house but I cant do that forever. Does anyone have any ideas on how to keep the temerature lower in my stealth box? Or any other ideas? I will try to post pics soon. I need help FAST


New Member
well i have heard of adding soda bottles full of frozen water before but i have never tried it. where is your fan? Try using it as an exhaust fan on whichever hole is higher up in the box. Probably better to add another fan for circulation inside the box. Or....Accept the fact that its a speaker box and not a grow room.

It's not that you can't grow in a really small space, just why would you? Most speaker box grows are attempted by kids who still live at home with there parents. Even if it does work, and you don't get caught, most new growers lack the skill to pull off a super micro grow. If your working from seed for example good luck. If you can grow that plant out,sex it, clone it, and then flower then clone you have a chance at success. But even if you do all of that what do you get for your effort??? A few grams??? And with that timeline you could wait 5-6 months+ to get it.

Instead of spending any more $$$ on stuff for the box go out and buy a dime bag. It will be like time traveling to your harvest, and it will even be cured already. I really don't mean to offend, if i have I aplogize. Just sharing my opinion

Good Luck


Active Member
Those 2 holes won't help unless you have a fan pulling air into the box and pushing it back out. You need air movement. Those 4 cfls can eventually get pretty hot so you'll probably need another small fan pointing at it to reduce the heat. Good luck man.


Active Member
I have one plant that grows pretty well in the mid 90s. Where i live the temp never really gets below 80 degrees even at night. I use the DIY yeast, sugar and H20 to balance the heat problem. Aside from tiny burns my plants are healthy. Try to get fan circulating around your plant and have vent holes as high up as you can go. If you don't get it right the first time, try try again.


Well-Known Member
if you want it cooler then you need to get the hot air out. just add an exhaust fan, you shouldnt need an intake fan for a box that small, a small pc fan should do the job.
as kailiwela44 said, adding in a small bottle of yeast/sugar to produce extra CO2 should help the plants cope with higher temps.


Active Member
Try to get fan circulating around your plant and have vent holes as high up as you can go.
Shouldn't the intake holes be on the lowest point while the exhaust holes be on top? I'm attempting a small cab for the first time, and this is what I'm planning.


Active Member
hope this isnt too late to help u but maybe if your lights r up ontop of your plants you could separate them with some plexiglass or somthin??? and lead exhaust from there? should help out the temp, its got to lol :joint:gl


Or....Accept the fact that its a speaker box and not a grow room.

It's not that you can't grow in a really small space, just why would you? Most speaker box grows are attempted by kids who still live at home with there parents. Even if it does work, and you don't get caught, most new growers lack the skill to pull off a super micro grow. If your working from seed for example good luck. If you can grow that plant out,sex it, clone it, and then flower then clone you have a chance at success. But even if you do all of that what do you get for your effort??? A few grams??? And with that timeline you could wait 5-6 months+ to get it.

Instead of spending any more $$$ on stuff for the box go out and buy a dime bag. It will be like time traveling to your harvest, and it will even be cured already. I really don't mean to offend, if i have I aplogize. Just sharing my opinion

Good Luck

Growing in small spaces from seed is not a very tricky thing to do...It simply takes a bit more effort.

I began my 2 plants from seed within stealth grow room (5 drawer dresser), Its been 6 weeks, and they are now 14 inches tall and i'll be starting flowering within a week. My friend grew this same strain in his closet growroom and his yield was 4.6oz off of 3 plants.

As for your heating situation, the frozen soda bottles will drop your temperature 4-7 degrees (depending on size of box), however proper circulation will be needed regardless. I never used soda bottles, But i did place ice in a bowl, experimenting with humidity control, and it will lower your temperature slightly.

Best of luck on your grow dude :joint:


Hey buddy, im 50years old with A NO smoking wife, two boys(19,22) they don't smoke regularly, and I have a BEAUTIFUL grow set up in 2 giant 70's soeakers. I getabout 1-1.5oz's a month. More than enough for me. I. Smoke all day long. Been smoking since 1975 so more than possible plants averge 2.5 - 3feet.
Lighten up buckwheat