Too fast or not too fast


Well-Known Member
Indoor in soil, to flush or not to flush?

When humans fast it burns out toxins and strengthens the spirit but is it a good idea to starve flowers? For 2 weeks?

I'm torn.


Well-Known Member
Indoor in soil, to flush or not to flush?

When humans fast it burns out toxins and strengthens the spirit but is it a good idea to starve flowers? For 2 weeks?

I'm torn.
Flushing is what you do after you shit or piss in the toilet. It has nothing to do with your plants.
I never "flushed" my plants when I ran Lucas for years and years..and now that I am all organic soil mix and top dress I don't "flush" or back off before's a normal schedule until I chop as if it were going to 100 days instead of 70-80.
I like to think my weed tastes the best, but there are a few guys around here that I know that grow some really good tasting weed too..not sure of their regimines though.