Too early to sex?


Hey guys,
Well its about 2.5 weeks from seed it's my first plant I think its doing pretty well..but i've put all my eggs in one basket. I've only grown 1 plant.

I dont know if its just new leaves growing or signs of female pistils. I know if its a male then might as well chuck it in the bin so I wanted to know asap. Also if it IS a female then how does cloning work? how many weeks will it take off growing compared to starting from seed? Also I wanted to know that if it is female and I flower it etc, then can I just pick the buds off and start the flower cycle again? Please go easy on me I'm a noob :).

Any help is much appreciated thanks.IMAG0005.jpg


Well-Known Member
Look for sex after 5 weeks of veg and at least 4 nodes. Look at the top node and the one under it.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Plants show sex, usually, after the 4th week of veg. Look near the 4th or 5th node for pre-flowers. This is best done with magnification like a jewelers loop. females will have a pear shaped thingy with a hair or 2 coming out..males will look like a ball on a stick. Going with just one plant is quite a gamble. Next time you should try at least 4 to increase your odds of getting a female. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya! :)
Cloning involves taking cuttings from the plant and placing them in rooting gel and some medium like rock wool or soil even...I've even cloned plants by chucking cuttings in plain
you can harvest and then reveg a plant but it takes awhile...only recommended if you wanna preserve a really killer plant. I hope all this help! Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Doesnt need to be in flowering to determine sex... After a couple months of good vegetative growth, when sexual maturity arrives, the plants will produce preflowers, near the area u photographed... Those growths in your pic r merely stipules, and r not sex-specific, as they grow on males and females, before during, and after sexual maturity arrives... Early male preflowers resemble "claw-like" growths, and early female preflowers will resemble "teardrop" shaped growths, even before the white stigmas poke out... This is why it is necessary to not be too hasty in culling suspected males until they begin to mature a bit and resemble pods on sticks, or even more mature, clusters of bananas-which r definate signs of a male, and should be culled asap when these become apparent... The females will have an ovarian calyx, as said, resembling a teardrop shaped growth, which will eventually have a "V'-shaped set of white stigmas poking out of the tops of these, and these r certain females... If you put them into 12/12 too early, you wont get nearly as much yield than if they r allowed to veg out for a month or two, at least, giving them much more structural integrity, allowing for many mor budsites, and much more final yield at harvest time... But, the amount of space one has to utilize is directly relative to how long of a veg period the plants need to be given, as the plants will continue to grow vegetatively after 12/12 is started, and flowering commences, which usually adds up to another 25-50% of the plants' overall size that it was at the end of it's veg period... Pruning methods and tying tops down may be necessarty to keep canopy levels at ideal heights and distances from the light source(s)... Especially with the taller growing sativa varieties...


Well-Known Member
By the time it would take a clone to root, if it even does, u can just allow the plant to mature sexually, and THEN decide it's sex, and go from there... So, although an effective sexing method, with such short veg times needed to reach sexual maturity and show preflowers, it seems unnecessary to take clones and put them into 12/12, when you could just use that time and energy to train the plants u have by pruning and other methods, for shaping and "sizing" the main plants to better fit the available grow space...


Well-Known Member
Next time, start more than one seed, as u will have about a 50/50 shot at either sex appearing... If u start two, u will likely have at least one female, whereas u may be nurturing that one, lone plant for nothing, only to haveta start all over again in hopes of finding a female... Hell, if I were u, I'd go ahead and germ out another one or two seeds, just to be on the safe side, to ensure at least one keeper...and not be wasting time and energy... Hell, u r only 2 and a half weeks in, so I'd get a couple more started up now, to make sure your first grow will for sure produce one usable female...and u wont be too far behind the one u have now, especially if it turns out to be a boy...


Bless you GanjaGod, much useful information in those posts. Ive got more WW seeds, and some freebies (prob afghanis). One more quick question..I have a spare pot that I have soil in, that is exactly the same soil as the WW..however..after germi'ing a couple seeds I planted them, and then a couple days later, I checked on them..they we're dead as doornails :\ Was there something in the soil that kept killing these new seeds? It was exactly the same soil as I'm using in my healthy WW now. I'm thinking I need to throw that soil out and make a new batch..I use 50/50 perlite and peat moss by the way.


Well-Known Member
Medium was probly too hot... Try to use the wet paper towel method and wait until the seeds have properly germed, with taproots and embryotic sucker leaves, and THEN plant them taproot down, into a perlite, peat moss, and non-nutrietive soil mix... Male preflowers look like claws, or pods on a stick, or further along, clusters of bananas, which r pollen sacs getting ready to open and release pollen which will pollenate any females around them... Female preflowers resemble teardrop-shaped growths, which r ovarian calyxs, which will eventually have telltale white "V"-shaped stigmas poking out of the tops... These r yer females... Get rid of ANY males ASAP... Dont use your personal garbage can for this... Brushfires r best, IF u can burn them where noone will pick up the smells... If not, wrap them in discrete grocery bags, and the next time u fill up your tank, non-shalantly throw them into the garbege can at a gas station, or something... PM me if u have any other questions, as I MIGHT and MIGHT not see this particular thread in time... Good luck growing, man!


hey guys! a little update on my plant...well its about 6 weeks in now i think its looking pretty healthy (MAYBE a little short, but i have kept the lights relatively close throughout the grow) (nice looking fan leaves and stem/trunk colors). gave it the last feed of veg nutes before i possibly start flushing. the nutes by the way are charlie carp NPK 9/2/6. i still havent noticed any signs of female or male yet (want to know ASAP) as this will depend what happens to the this looking right for 6 weeks? another 2 weeks of veg? do i need to repot? any tips or pointers from the grower veterans because this is my first proper grow!! thanks guys and heres a couple pics :)IMAG0009.jpgIMAG0010.jpg