too early to harvest?


Active Member
How should i go about flushing and harvesting in sections. I am currently at the end of a 2week nutrient cycle, normally I would change out the water and and fresh nuts. Today is the last day in the feeding cycle, so the water is a very weak nut solution.
Would it be best to just let her go a few more days on this mild, probably unbalanced, solution before i harvest the matured buds, rather than completely depriving the rest of her, and her neighbor of food?


Active Member
If i need add nutes again id like to do so asap. id appreciate any input on flushing as previously posted. thanks!


Active Member
I'm thinking about starting flushing this weekend (it'll be 13 weeks) and harvesting what is ready the following week, is this too long for the main cola to go? or will it stay alive (and not mature too much) while the rest of the plant catches up over the next week and a half?


Active Member
So i just started my [first] flush. I've heard of flushing with molasses so that the plant still receives carbohydrates. I would like to do this since I'm attempting a double harvest, and additionally I've another girl in the same tub (I'd prefer not to starve or the bottom half of the girl I'll be chopping). I was curious how to do this with a DWC bubbler, i.e. how many tsp/gal. and when I should add it.


Active Member
Okay, so I read that it's roughly 1 tbs molasses/gal. of water. Is there any reason that I should not add molasses?
I'd really appreciate any input!!! thanks in advanced!