Too Earl...or Too Late and Advice


This is Day 54 of the 12/12 cycle. This is my 2nd grow 1st one was a learning experience. Now I actually have a plant that has bloomed through its full cycle. Now I have a few concerns.

#1. I have an important business meeting I must attend to in another city and I must leave tomorrow. I had planned on harvesting next week since it would be after the 8th week and all and some usually say that week 8 is the way to go. I may be wrong. Advice on that one. The main part is that I wanted to know should I harvest now. The last time I gave it Nutes was 5 days ago. When I learned of the trip I immediately flushed the Lady with 2 gallons of water that was 2 days ago. So I wanted to know is it fine to start harvesting now or wait until next weekend. What do you guys think will be best?

#2. After seeing alot of peoples plants right before harvest their leaves turn a bright yellow and mine are still green. I am getting a little burn on the leaves but some say that is ok. Am i doing something wrong in its final stages or what?

#3. Also I see alot of people harvesting the top part them the bottom layer a week later. If I harvest now I will be back in time for that part. Just let me know what you guys think on the whole matter i took 3 pics will try to add more if you guys need.



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How long will you be out of town?

I would lean towards letting her go until you return from your business trip. She doesn't look done yet.

I personally would rather harvest too late than too soon...
well id say she looks close have you checked the trikes?also it depends what straind it is on the flowering time but all in all its up to you if you fill like its time to chop its time to chop
I will be back next week, Next Sunday to be exact... you think I should let it go until then? Captain I looked at the tri's they are amber, But I was thinking she didnt look quite ready either and I was weary of doing the 9 weeks but wanted to. I was really leaning towards the wait myself.
Depending on how long you'll be gone I say harvest later. It's easier to harvest too early then it is too late, and you may have a while yet. ;-)

EDIT: You say next week... I'd let it go. You've got lots of fresh pistils.
Should I water it again before I go or just let it be. I poured 2 gallon on the Lady Wednesday so 2 days ago. I really was thinking the same thing about the Fresh Pistils.
i would lether go another 2 weeks if it were me, and i would water if i was going to be gone for a week also you may want to raise the light to be safe
I am gonna take all you guys advice and let her go until I get back. I will water the morning that I am leaving and she usually dries up within 4 days so 2 more might not be too bad for her to go before more water. Should I still be hitting it with the sweet still until harvest? I was also reading somewhere that the Lady should look like she is podding up for her seeds... is this so. Should it harvest until I see some form of pod form for the seeds or am i misinterpreting?
i always go by trichs, and try hard not to set a certain time limit. setting an amount of time makes it so hard to wait. Using the sweet is up to you, i have used sugar daddy until harves in hydro, mollases in soil both with no ill effects i have also just gone with the 2 wk flush straight water.. my preference is molasses till harvest
I have given the tri's a gander and they have the amber color. Could be a nice time for harvest right now, but one of my main concerns were the nutes. I didnt want them to cause the buds to have a hay taste. If you guys say the plant is healthy and shouldnt be bothered with another week then I am fine with that. The buds come and go. its a learning experience. A long experience but yet one that yields knowledge. Thanks
I have given the tri's a gander and they have the amber color. Could be a nice time for harvest right now, but one of my main concerns were the nutes. I didnt want them to cause the buds to have a hay taste.

Are you referring to the way bud taste after freshly cut and dried? They all smell like hay until after a good cure. After dried, put 'em in air tight jars and don't smoke 'em for at least 30-45 days. You may need to pop open the jars and release trapped moisture for a few minutes the first few days.

If you guys say the plant is healthy and shouldnt be bothered with another week then I am fine with that. The buds come and go. its a learning experience. A long experience but yet one that yields knowledge. Thanks

Exactly right, in the end a lot of stuff does come down to the strain your working with and personal preference.
Over water the shit out of her before you leave, and by the time you get back hopefully its just starving for water. But even if its done, its done by then anyhow. Good luck
Over water the shit out of her before you leave, and by the time you get back hopefully its just starving for water. But even if its done, its done by then anyhow. Good luck

I dunno... maybe it'd be better to have a sitter come by once. If you over-water and exclude air just once the results could be really bad at this point. Might even be better off reducing the lights on time to shorten heavy drinking period if you have to, would simulate nature in a way.
no way will over watering harm it at this point (a huge root mass is established unless you got 5gal pots it will drink the hell out of the space its in). Especially if you are leaving for a week, if i were you though I would just set up a whick system just get a gallon of water use the sweet stuff and run a rope like thing from the gallon to the top of the soil. make sure the gallon is higher than the top of the pot and let gravity do its thing. I would use a tub instead of a gallon if you got it.
Yeah I got my brother stopping by to water it once while I am gone. Hes gonna stop by around tuesday or wednesday to water. I figured by sunday I will be back soil will be dry and I will just harvest from there =D
no way will over watering harm it at this point (a huge root mass is established unless you got 5gal pots it will drink the hell out of the space its in).

Think so? I've seen large and healthy girls drop most of their leaves because they were over-watered just once. Water too much to the point where you exclude air and you'll get root rot, I promise. Even hydro requires constant oxygenation.

I would just set up a whick system just get a gallon of water use the sweet stuff and run a rope like thing from the gallon to the top of the soil. make sure the gallon is higher than the top of the pot and let gravity do its thing. I would use a tub instead of a gallon if you got it.

I think this is a great idea. :-)

Yeah I got my brother stopping by to water it once while I am gone. Hes gonna stop by around tuesday or wednesday to water. I figured by sunday I will be back soil will be dry and I will just harvest from there =D

So the girls won't even know you're gone. Nice. ;-)
I am settled out of town and happen to call to get an update on my babies. I was informed that the sugar leaves (leaves around bud) are nice and crispy and are curling like elf shoes. Brother says she smells real fruity in the air. I think it will be harvest time when I get home for sure. Was told she finally had to be tied up today. She was being a bad lady and is not standing up properly. She needs a lil support she's a drunk hag. Buds are getting too heavy for her to support NICE =)