Too dry! Ways to increase humidity?


Well-Known Member
Hey all
Finally got started on that closet grow I planned a while back, waiting on 4 seedlings to pop up out of their 7oz cups in regular potting mix under 2 x 65W 6500K CFLs, will be putting up a 250w MH up soon for vegging.

Problem: I've got one fan blowing cooler air into the grow box to keep temps down around 75-85C inside the grow box but humidity is 35-40% all the time, which I believe is on the lower side of the optimum level. I've put up glasses of water inside but they haven't seemed to help.. any suggestions?

Thx all!


Try like a tray or a tuperware container. What you want is a large surface area to let more water evaporate then a glass can.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'll try that, will it significantly increase it though? I'm looking to maintain a 50-60% humidity in the grow area.. the seedlings are currently in an open box about 1x1x2, which is inside a closet about 4x4x2 with a 6" fan blowing cooler air into the closet (temps inside the box get too hot with the lights on).

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Don't even worry about it bro. Humidity is not really important in veg. Humidity in flower is VERY important. Plants will veg just fine in 20% humidity but odds are when you get to flower you will be wishing for those low numbers again. As your plants get bigger with more leaves they will respirate more and more and the humidity will get a lot higher. This is a big problem when you get fat buds because high humidity will cause mold. So please, I don't want to see anyone else waste money on a humidifier for veg. If anything you will need a DEhumidifier for flower.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Don't even worry about it bro. Humidity is not really important in veg. Humidity in flower is VERY important. Plants will veg just fine in 20% humidity but odds are when you get to flower you will be wishing for those low numbers again. As your plants get bigger with more leaves they will respirate more and more and the humidity will get a lot higher. This is a big problem when you get fat buds because high humidity will cause mold. So please, I don't want to see anyone else waste money on a humidifier for veg. If anything you will need a DEhumidifier for flower.
I run a humidifier on my intake in veg. It not only provides a healthy humidity for seedlings (50 - 60%) but it helps cool the intake air.