Too close for comfort... =//


Well-Known Member
I'm about to tell you my story of almost getting caught by the cops, today. My apologies if the story is too long.

When I turned 18, I moved in with my granmother to save money while going to college. My brother, 15 yrs old, lives here as well. He moved out when I did.

Anyways, last night he and his loser ass friend whom I hate came in a raided my grandparents medicine cabinet. They took a bottle of L-tabs and oxys to trade for marijuana. Well, he skipped school today, and while I was at my evening classes, a lot of shit had been going on. Apparently, my brother left and went to his friends house. FOr the record, my grandparents hate this kid and my brother isn't allowed to be around him. Anyways, so he goes over there. No one can find him. My grandparents don't fill like driving around so they call the cops to go get him. Cops get to his friends house and the friends mom says she'll bring him back. So, the cops leave and she brings my brother back. Then, she starts chewing my grandpa out saying that my bros friend was never here when everyone knows he was. He gets mad and starts cussing her out, she scratches his face, and he throws her back into her car. She leaves and calls the cops on him. So, again, they come back to my house. They're here for at least an hour talking, inside the house. They leave and come back an hour and a half later, and have it set up to go to the court house tomorrow. So, basically, cops have been in my house a total of 2.5-3 hours today with me growing downstairs. The smell is so strong, you can smell it outside my bedroom window. I was VERY lucky, but nervous all day when I got the call letting me know earlier today.


Well-Known Member
i know man, bashing on your bro for doing stupid kid shit, while youre doing the same. . growing in someone elses house and without odor control... wait till you have a place of your own.


Well-Known Member
I'd prefer to do my illegal activities in a non-dramatic environment, especially if these activities reek.


Well-Known Member
i know man, bashing on your bro for doing stupid kid shit, while youre doing the same. . growing in someone elses house and without odor control... wait till you have a place of your own.

I'm not bashing on him. I'm bashing on his idiotic friend. He doesn't think. How the hell does he honestly believe he;ll get away with taking two bottles of pills?

Also, like I said before, I'm allowed to grow here. My grandma wants some of the weed.


Well-Known Member
I'd prefer to do my illegal activities in a non-dramatic environment, especially if these activities reek.

This shit never happens. This was a completely rare and... Unlucky thing that happened. Otherwise, things are pretty much on the down-low.

Top 44

Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm sorry, but growing weed in your Grandmother's house where your 15 year old brother also lives is just plain idiotic. Whether or not she agrees with it is beside the point; you are putting your family in danger. If you care about them don't grow there.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm sorry, but growing weed in your Grandmother's house where your 15 year old brother also lives is just plain idiotic. Whether or not she agrees with it is beside the point; you are putting your family in danger. If you care about them don't grow there.
It's either grow here or don't grow at all for a couple of years. And I can't afford to go out and buy it when I want it, since I'm trying to save money up for college.


And I would like to say unless grandma is involved with the op besides the housing, she won't get in trouble. First hand experience.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need to get a job.

I do have a job... Two of them. College isn't cheap, and I pay rent here too. Plus the expense of a little fun here and there with friends, I'm still probably going to owe the bank a ton when I graduate.


Well-Known Member
And I would like to say unless grandma is involved with the op besides the housing, she won't get in trouble. First hand experience.
Yeah, I know, exactly. And I've already told everyone that if I get busted, I'm going to act like no one else in the house even knew what was going on and that it was just my fault.


You're right college isn't cheap, I'm still paying for my loans and I hate sally mae. That bitch...But I was in a similar situation, with negative results, pretty sure we all agree its just not good to grow at a place you can't call your own.


Well-Known Member
So your brothers asshole buddy has no idea you're growing?
IF you're absolutely certain he doesn't, I'd physically run him off permanently.


Well-Known Member
So your brothers asshole buddy has no idea you're growing?
IF you're absolutely certain he doesn't, I'd physically run him off permanently.
I do, when I know for certain he is doing something stupid. Usually, since he isn't allowed to be in the house, he'll just stay outside. I've ran him off before, but he just comes back. He's one of those "tough kids" who think they're badass because they wear baggy clothes and talk with an accent. (He's a white chubby little fucker too) So yeah, he talks shit and never stays away, and I'm rarely here.


Well-Known Member
Still should get some odor control though.
Well, I hadn't really thought of getting odor control until now. We live in the country... Closest house if like... 200 yards away. No one can smell anything at that distance... And no one ever comes here towards my portion of the house except for my friends... (And that fucking cop who parked there... WHERE NO ONE ELSE EVER PARKS!!! WHEN HE COULD HAVE PARKED ANY WHERE ELSE!)