Well-Known Member
Sometimes the temp is not a variable you can control when your space is limited and it is in the middle of winter. MY drying area is too warm now, but that is life. I just give them more stem for their drying.
Yeh its cold here in the winter, 55-60f in an unheated room, this is when i first found out how long it takes to dry at those temps
and from what i can recall it was something like 3 weeks, i had no issues with mold, it was a dense NL too, was a long time ago
i can leave buds to test in my grow room which is 85f that will take 5 days still to dry
my other rooms are 70-75 it takes about 7-10 days in those temps
i find keeping it on the sticks is convenient now, also i like the way the bud dries sticky and brittle on the surface
if i had nugged it up before drying it does not dry so sticky, more spongy
when its cured it all ends up the same i find,
i like smoking a little before the cure when its in that very sticky crunchy state when dried on stems
the flavour is quite nice, different at this stage