Tomato feed - Is it OK?


Well-Known Member
I can't afford to be forking out for expensive nutes and I'm at home for a day or two and I'm pretty sure that there is some tomato feed or maybe even miracle grow in the shed although I haven't had a chance to take a look. What's peoples opinions?


Well-Known Member
Go get the nutrients. Then post all the information you can about the nutrients here, no one can give you an opinion if they have no idea what the product is, which is why you must get us the info


Well-Known Member
OK sorry about that, I had a quick look there but unfortunately can't see any, guess they used it all or had none in the first place. I'll take a good proper scourge around the place tomorrow though. I think I spotted a nice little CFL fitting and a bunch of bulbs, would be perfect for a light around the plant


Well-Known Member
Decided against using the above nute, Organic seems the way to go (if your cheap like me!)
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