Tolerance breaks


Well-Known Member
Im on day four no smoking,I dont have to do this but I choose to out of pure will,no real jonesing effect as of yet,but i cant sleep worth a shit and when i do sleep Its only for 2-3 hours then awake and back to another 2-3 hrs again,not to mention dreaming has become hell of alot more vivid,but my brain feels like its catching some air its kind of nice at some points through the day.
Who among us RIUr's takes tolerance breaks from smoking?And if you are inclined to say so why would u do them?
if it werent for the holes in my perpetual grow, i would never have to suffer a tolerance break. but when you do go back to smoking it makes it so much nicer to have that first high after a break ;-)


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Staff member
I just returned from a 3 week trip down south to visit family & decided to turn it into a break (primarily to reduce my stress level while flying & carrying). I hit my good old standard red diesel last night & it took me to my knees.

Wow, my head is still spinning. :shock:


I recommend using the interval method, but what is that? This is where you go back and forth between getting high and set limits for yourself on certain days. I’m aware it may sound a bit odd at first, but this keeps you in touch with your life and helps you look at your use from another perspective [a sober-minded one]. I suggest that you start with 2 days high/2 days sober, but it’s up to you! Keep them realistic for best results.

High days; Enjoy highs, if you please. Don’t force them, but leave yourself open to enjoy them! Think of activities for sober days; look for things that improve yourself and/or thing you’ve been meaning to do.

Sober days; Focus on life! Do you like making music? Then do that! Let yourself just enjoy what life has to offer [other than drugs] and remember that these days will make getting high so much better! You can also use these days to plan those ‘high day’ activities. Be creative!​

From my site's Safe Use page.

This method is amazing for my tolerance issues. I initially have a low tolerance, but it grows relatively fast. ^ That works WONDERS for me.


Well-Known Member
just got my letter i have to see my new po for probation on jan 17th, might be taking a tolerance break :-/

edit: anyone know if philadelphia uses mouth swabs or ut?


Well-Known Member
I just started a break several weeks ago, not for tolerance reasons but because I'm gonna have to do another job search. Had a great gig, but they are changing locations and I don't want to move.

Not resting well is the worst part of it, as said above at first I slept really light with constant vivid dreams. Now I'm in the third week I seem to be adjusting and sleeping better, still lots of dreams but that's ok.

But honestly it's nice having a different perspective on things, my head feels clearer etc. I kind of realize smoking on a daily basis you can get numb to the effects, and don't have any real "straight" time to balance out being high. It's like always having food in front of you, you are never hungry and probably full most of the time. But you don't appreciate the food as much. If you eat a light breakfast and work all day, you're pretty hungry and enjoy dinner much more than if you constantly ate all day

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Im on day four no smoking,I dont have to do this but I choose to out of pure will,no real jonesing effect as of yet,but i cant sleep worth a shit and when i do sleep Its only for 2-3 hours then awake and back to another 2-3 hrs again,not to mention dreaming has become hell of alot more vivid,but my brain feels like its catching some air its kind of nice at some points through the day.
Who among us RIUr's takes tolerance breaks from smoking?And if you are inclined to say so why would u do them?
I take tolerance breaks. gotta give the body a break once in awhile so toxins don't build up in my system


Well-Known Member
[/INDENT]From my site's Safe Use page.

This method is amazing for my tolerance issues. I initially have a low tolerance, but it grows relatively fast. ^ That works WONDERS for me.

I enjoy every day and consume everyday, workout (exercise), work 10 hours, swim/soccer/gymnastics with the kids, time with the wife, cook/clean, and even got time to take the dog for 2 walks.

Every second of every day; Life is what YOU make it!



Well-Known Member
High days; Enjoy highs, if you please. Don’t force them, but leave yourself open to enjoy them! Think of activities for sober days; look for things that improve yourself and/or thing you’ve been meaning to do. i don't get this. think of activities for sober days? while i'm high think about things to do when i am not? look for things to improve myself while high? why not do this every day?
Sober days; Focus on life! Do you like making music? Then do that! Let yourself just enjoy what life has to offer [other than drugs] and remember that these days will make getting high so much better! You can also use these days to plan those ‘high day’ activities. Be creative! focus on life every day! make music every day if that's your thing. use sober days to plan high days? i don't get this philosophy.

ace i really don't mean to be a dick i just don't get what you are saying. aren't we talking about smoking pot? i didn't realize people take it so seriously and plans activities around it. i smoke when i want. if i don't feel like smoking then i don't. it has no affect on what i get accomplished, how creative i am, etc. i smoke for pain. i can't imagine not smoking because i want to feel "higher".

i do an 8 hr "tolerance break" a day when i sleep and i feel that's plenty :eyesmoke:



i don't get this. think of activities for sober days? while i'm high think about things to do when i am not? look for things to improve myself while high? why not do this every day?
focus on life every day! make music every day if that's your thing. use sober days to plan high days? i don't get this philosophy.

ace i really don't mean to be a dick i just don't get what you are saying. aren't we talking about smoking pot? i didn't realize people take it so seriously and plans activities around it. i smoke when i want. if i don't feel like smoking then i don't. it has no affect on what i get accomplished, how creative i am, etc. i smoke for pain. i can't imagine not smoking because i want to feel "higher".

i do an 8 hr "tolerance break" a day when i sleep and i feel that's plenty :eyesmoke:

I don't just get high as an activity, but more as a medication for my bipolar/depression issues.

I mean: when I'm on a high day, then I like to get high and think of how I can make my life better. Not just soberly. However, I think of options a lot better when I'm stoned and I don't necessarily feel like acting on them when I'm enjoying the herb.
On a sober day, then I plan the most relaxing way to truly enjoy the high that weed provides. Not necessarily spending THE WHOLE DAY doing that, just something to thing about when I get the urge.

This is just my method, I thought I'd share it with you guys. May not be the best for everyone, but this is my way of getting the most out of life.
I like to get really ripped and meditate. That's how I roll. :p

edit: P.s. Thanks for pointing out flaws that I've made on that. It helps my website get better. [:

kenny ken 77

Active Member
I don't do a pre planned tolerance lowering week or so of abstinence, just sometimes there's no work= no dough=no blow! Though on the upside,as others have stated, the return to our favourite plant results in a nice heavy stone. Like the first joint of the day,though heavier. Though years ago when we used to get what I term top rock, 9ounce bars of hashish, used to be blinding! Do a pure gear bong and be tripping like acid with colour trails the lot! And everyday on my walk to the bus stop I'd smoke a joint and be proper stoned until first break at ten, needless to say I fucked my schooling right up! Though I still love my cannabis. K.K.


Active Member
yeah I take t-breaks. I usually do 3 weeks sometimes 4 but not that often maybe like once every 6 months lol. I love that high you get after not smoking for that long. Be floatin in space.


Well-Known Member
One thing that is interesting about the T-break is how the fog lifts and newer ideas come to mind than when staying high all the time,its kind of like out with the old in with the new in its own right,.Day#5 still no smoking insomnia definetely boosted upward in anticipation of the one day a week i have to go to work early, its going to be a zombie day. already thinking about caffeine,,,,go figure lol.


Well-Known Member
i am not a daily smoker sometimes a weekish will pass between buzzes. right now i am doing 90 days clean for a non beatable drug screen. no problem but after, i got some vortex thats been curing now for over 6 months. gunna treat myself hard the first day back.


New Member
I have not taken a Day off in over 6 years , My tolerance is unbelievable but I see it as a perk for Breeding and testing .. I still get ripped after 6 years with no time off , but I cant smoke mediocre weed at all .. I have to rotate smoking methods and strains daily to offset the tolerance but none the less its all good ..

I prefer to have the tolerance in a sense as I am a Medical Patient who needs pain management and Cannabis works well for me .. I get the luxury of being able to function clearly on it while not being out of touch with reality or myself .. The best bonus is being able to appear clean and sharp while being higher than a kite .. I can talk with anyone while under the influence while never revealing my high like most people with squinty red eyes

Guess its no different than my German GrandFather who would drink beer with all meals , his tolerance to alcohol probably kept him alive alot longer than most who drink with no tolerances ..


Well-Known Member
Search the forum for any one of dozens of threads on T-breaks. Musky has posted man tips on lowering tolerance having destroying his ability to smoke weed from smoking too much spice. Tips for the insomnia are also in the aforementioned threads.... And the insomniac thread.


Well-Known Member
Search the forum for any one of dozens of threads on T-breaks. Musky has posted man tips on lowering tolerance having destroying his ability to smoke weed from smoking too much spice. Tips for the insomnia are also in the aforementioned threads.... And the insomniac thread.

I tryed spice and am glad that I hate it, especially after hearing from friends and stories of other people having bad side effects from it.

Thnx Kuro Ill definetely bee looking on ways to deal with the insomnia,I appreciate the info doll!