told you!!! it was coming!


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah, because when it is totally in place, the middle class will be the new poor. They will exterminate the lower classes with a disease, or by machine gun, homeless, beggars, thieves, druggies, Yeah, you pot smokers are on that list,. for sure, All old people on SS and medicare, that is a whole shitload of wasted money, who needs the elderly anyway.. The surviving middle class will be happy to lick their boots, just as they do right now, wannabees, they're the problem. If you think your lousy 60-100K job is secure, think again, prepare to downsize.
I own a business. I already have downsized my friend. By the progressive definition I may be one of these "wealthy" folks but trust me, I ain't wealthy. We are having serious problems in this country but I'm not so sure we are in the end times. I'm not so arrogant to think that America is immune from war and genocide but I think we are a ways off from the sort of thing you and the other conspiracy folk are fearing.:blsmoke:


New Member
I own a business. I already have downsized my friend. By the progressive definition I may be one of these "wealthy" folks but trust me, I ain't wealthy. We are having serious problems in this country but I'm not so sure we are in the end times. I'm not so arrogant to think that America is immune from war and genocide but I think we are a ways off from the sort of thing you and the other conspiracy folk are fearing.:blsmoke:
It could be a conspiracy, and again, it could be really happening. I have no problem with you owning a business as long as you treat your employees with respect, live long and prosper. Just be aware that every one that works for you is a human being and has a life of their own. They owe you a days work for a days pay, nothing more. I've watched my wife's boss turn from a great boss into a straight on asshole. I have to check my self every once in a while from kicking the living shit out of him. If you are a good boss, then there will certainly be loyalty. As far as being in the end times, I find that just to be an excuse for not trying to fix our problems, "hey, the lord is coming back, he'll fix everything, I have no obligation". I actually believe the Christian right believe that way, which in my book makes them straight on hypocratic assholes.

jeff f

New Member
, "hey, the lord is coming back, he'll fix everything, I have no obligation". I actually believe the Christian right believe that way, which in my book makes them straight on hypocratic assholes.
no, the christian right is usually too busy setting up soup kitchens, organizing food drives for the poor, giving shelter to abused women, building housing in poor ass countries, or handing out christmas presents to kids whose parents cant afford them. but you go ahead and keep bashing them you bigot.