Told to use molasses on buds.

leather lungs

Well-Known Member
I was told from a previous post that i should use molasses to put some weight on my buds. I bought grandmas unsulphured . I've read on other posts that unsulphured is best. What i really need to know is do i add it to only the soil or can i foliar spray directly on the buds. I finally succeeded in getting my plant to this point i just don't want to ruin my grow. Any help would greatly be appreciated. I forgot to say that the plant is durban poison. Third week in the flowering phase.



Well-Known Member
yeah seriously on the search function....

molasses contains lots of unrefined sugars, thus it acts as a great biocatalyst. it also has some potassium and iron in it aswell as a few other things.

recommended at the same dilution the dude above told you, probably every other watering, depending on if you water every day or what.

leather lungs

Well-Known Member
Sorry about not using the search button. One more question and i will not ask any more questions. Can i foliar spray while in the flowering stage? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Don't foliar spray molasses, the major reason it's good for budding plants is because of what it does with microbes in the soil. I'd think directly applying, at the very least would bring sugar-loving insects, at worse burn the shit out of the plant.

Any nute foliar feeding, I'd just spray the leaves, not the buds