Toke N Write


Well-Known Member
Write your poetry, short stories, rhymes, sayings, whatever you'd like. :)
As long as it incorporates cannabis in some way:joint: or not, i dont think people will care too much.

This was inspired by the ph pen contest, here are my works:

Equality and the eye of wisdom.

in this ocean's midmost depths,
waves unborn,
Farmers channel water to the lands,
Freeing our brothers and sisters
- With silver green smoke.

All the same in a sea of green.


Eyes of depth,
This dream unseen,
singing sweet songs
to praise our green

A shade so firey red,
but thoughts we bred
through tokes of a smoke
once alive, but never dead.

Sing, my people, sing,
we must resist,
fight this thing

And so we do,
in our own way
The country's sweet rebellion
we show the way

To a small young boy,
a heart of clay,
We choose to pass
the blunt his way.


New Member
I don't like writing poetry myself... although i do enjoy reading it. So just treat this post as a :bump: for this amazing thread.


Well-Known Member
Wrote it to an old tune. Sing along if ye know it!

My corneas have born witness of the marching of the "Law",
He is tossing aside a Bud Lite and belching a guffaw,
He is brandishing a search warrant and imprisoning me up north,
The lies keep spawning forth!

Jesus Christ what have we done for all of this?
Jesus Christ what have we done for all of this?
Jesus Christ what have we done for all of this?
The lies keep spawning forth!

I saw him hack and slash my babes and funnel up the smoke,
A better man would've simply approached me for a toke,
But what do you expect from such a dirty crooked bloke?
The lies keep spawning forth!

Holy shit what the Hell did we do to you?
Holy shit what the Hell did we do to you?
Holy shit what the Hell did we do to you?
The lies keep spawning forth!

He's on his megahorn telling me to come out raising my hands,
Doesn't wait for an answer before busting out the ram,
I'm shackled up in front of a judge and in a bit of a jam,
The lies keep spawning forth!

Twenty years for growing a plant!
Twenty years for growing a plant!
Twenty years for growing a plant!
The lies keep spawning forth!

Counting the tallies 'till the day I shall be free,
I'll plant the seeds from New York to the hills of Kentucky,
Do your part to end the government's hypocrisy!
The lies will squashed out!


This is a rhyme from a small ganja farma,
Started slow but I earned my karma,
Bringing up plants like a dank snake charmer,
Product for free-I don’t play no game,
I do it all for my sweetie Mary Jane,
In a country of hypocrites I was brought up economical,
But in a purple cloud ganja showed me the spiritual,
Translated the speeches of leeches,
Like subtitles tellin’ me what he’s preachin’,
“Take this Marlboro Lite, hand over the sensimilla”,
Chargin' patients life savings to lower the pressure of glaucoma,
Taking tax dollars that go into Bush's nasal cavity,
Too coked to notice we on his lawn defyin' gravity,
We don't need a space program-only strong Haze,
Rollin' ziggies all day and soaking up the cosmic rays,
Pay no attention to the bullshit they spit,
There’s thirty million more who ain’t feelin’ it,
Red eyed chameleons amidst the populace,
Look all day but you could never spot us,
We’re the hushed revolution in the USA,
We quietly disobey and go about our day.


If water was vodka and I was a duck,
I'd dehydrate 'cause I'm not drinking that muck,
Thank Jah every day for the tasty cheeba,
'Course growin' it you learn Mary Jane's a diva,
Ph level checks and a strong ass thirst,
But in the end she's always comin' in first,
Fuck the barley and fruit that people ferment,
Shovin' it down our throats to stop us from dissent,
We aren't made to live puking in the gutter,
Never intended to burn our brain cells 'till we stutter
And slur-night before's a fucking blur,
Wasn't the beer bong I was hitting-it was the chillum officer,
But if you wanna be a slave ant and lock me up for a plant,
Prove your smarts are scant-call this a "crime" I commit,
Otherwise-shut up and hit this shit.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
a short story,

There was two friends one day who wanted to have some fun, they were stoned.
As they looked for something to do, they stumbled across the shorter boys old soap box from when he used to race when he was 15, this soap box was very expensive( around $2500) and very fast. It was built for the shorter boy, he was very spoiled. He really loved his soap box though.
The boys played all day with this little rocket soap box, pulling it to to biggest hills they could find. Twistey hills at that. This soap box is meant to go perfectly straight.
Then as they pulled the soap box to the top of the hill, all the steering cable wire brike off of the steering wheel, The boys thought ooohh well, we will just hold the wires, to steer. this was a very bad idea.
The boys pulled soap box to the top of the hill, and the shorter boy drove.
The thing about the soap box is it way to small for the boy, for it was like 10 years after it was custom made for him. Sooooo he sat on his knees in the tiny driving spot, and the taller friend, sat on the back of the soap box, and just held the small boys shoulders.
This soap box was not meant for 2 people at all.
So anyways, as the boys flew down the super steep hill around the first corner, the soap box started to fish tail back and fourth, the boy on the back was yelling at the boy driveing, stop it , stop it!!!!!~. but it was not his fault. he could not steer with the wires. So the hole way down around the second corner. back and forth . back and fourth. and then at the middle of the steepest part of the hill. BoooooooOOOOOOOM!!!
The tall lanky kid on the back goes flying off the back right over the small boys head like 20 feet. and the kid driveing goes blasting into like 5 360's stuck in the soapbox, and smashes the kid laying on the road that went flying.They smashed into a parked toyota. The old soap box was all over the road. It was a very fun and yet very sad day for the smaller boy. but it was all in good fun. The small boy wishes to this day that he didnt try to drive the soap box by the steering wires. So let that be a lesson to every one, If you brake your steering wheel off your soap box, dont try to go down any hills . just thought I would tell this story. sorry people im bad at spelling.


Well-Known Member
hah awesome. i kept expecting them to veer off the road and end up in a magical field of hippies and marijuana :)

t dub c

Well-Known Member
they smoked more pot after, and thought of fields marijuana ,and hippies with weed to spare . if it helps.


Well-Known Member
i rap allong with 50 cent and think im gangsta :P:P:P:P

just joking... I like to rap my own shit together sometimes ^^ its funny... get an instrumental... start rolling... get a little shoulder and hip movement and start raping ^^ while rolling.. when u lick.. its more of an: * ehmmm ehmmmmmm mmmm mmm m mm * lol ^^