• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Today's republicans are america's enemy within


Well-Known Member
That is BS Flys.
He is disliked because he is spending out of control. (three to four times what Bush spent bailing out banks, fuck banks)
Funny none of you whackjobs was saying a word about Bush's trillion dollar war. Instead you all became Limbaugh parrots and pounded on the war drums then defended him running up the deficit after being handed a surplus.

Because he is socializing medical. (Got news for you lots of people don't want that)
72% of the people do. But beyond that most people that are against govt healthcare are the same ones that receive it. Why arent all of these old women screaming at these town hall meetings demanding that they kill Medicare? More fucking hypocrisy. How about you ViRedd, something tells me you're on Medicare and SS but you're against govt healthcare. You're either for it or against it, and if you're against it and you use it you're a hypocrite.

Nationalizing the auto manufacturing. (Pandering to unions)

Its called stimulating the economy smart guy and in case Hannity hasnt told ya it seems to be working.

In bed with Goldman-sachs. (Banks always fucking Banks)
Have no idea what you're even talking about.

Foisting BS carbon taxes on us. (my heating bill was 1500 bucks a month last winter fuck that)
Obama wasnt president last winter but heating prices rose over 225% in some areas during the Bush era.

You act like Whites didn't vote him in, they did.
A percentage of whites did vote him in including myself. Another percentage proceeded to label him a terrorist, Muslim, racist, non-citizen, blah blah. It is very common for other white people who do not know my political views to call him ni**er and any other racial slur they can come up with and I dont live in the south. Don't sit there and tell me race isnt an issue.


Well-Known Member
Republicans ARE practicing seditious DEMAGOGUERY and insurrectionary OBSTRUCTIONISM intended to destabilize our economy for purposes of political exploitation.

Republicans AREN'T making a sincere effort to STOP the bleeding THEIR incompetent leadership and failed policies created. Instead, they're using conflicting economic theories as a smokescreen to conceal their subversive agenda, which is to cause President Obama and America to fail so they can blame Democrats for the consequences of THEIR calamitous mismanagement.

Republicans ARE preposterously professing that THEIR disgraceful political WHORING had nothing to do with the banking, real estate, stock market and employment catastrophes that resulted.

Republicans ARE trying to hamstring Democrats to prevent them from repairing the damage caused during a Republican presidency.

Republicans ARE offering controversial arguments they know no one can agree on to disrupt and prevent progressive change. They'd rather divide America and create political gridlock than endure the political consequences of effective Democratic governance. That's how they gained power and that's how they're trying to retain it.

Republicans AREN'T the LOYAL OPPOSITION; they ARE the ENEMY WITHIN whose personal priorities have eroded their moral and ethical standards to the point that duplicity and betrayal are their preferred modus operandi.

It's one thing to advocate their conservative beliefs; it's another thing entirely to willfully sabotage America's government because a successful Democratic presidency would not be vulnerable to the greed, fears and hatreds that have produced and sustained the radical Republican corporatism and extremism that have poisoned and crippled America.
Agreed, they are more concerned with political fighting and failure then with an actual agenda that improves health-care and economy. Corporations, wall street, lobbyists, greed, selfishness, ignorance, and stupidity rules Republicans. I'm still baffled by the tea-bag moronics, much less the latest special interests acting like grass-roots crashing and pointlessly interrupting legitimate town-hall meetings attempting to discuss legitimate issues for the good of the American people.

jeff f

New Member
I'm still baffled by the tea-bag moronics, much less the latest special interests acting like grass-roots crashing and pointlessly interrupting legitimate town-hall meetings attempting to discuss legitimate issues for the good of the American people.
why, cuz you disagree with them? bet you didnt have a problem with the "no-nukes" crowd.

"dont argue with a fool because soon nobody will be able to tell the difference" some really smart mother fucker.

jeff out


Well-Known Member
Everything I said I stand by.
I think you buy your spin.
Just as much as I buy mine.

1 we can't barrow any more we are broke.
2 national plan will crowd ot the market.
3 still owned buy the Government
4 Unfortunatly all to true, easy money destroys honest savings and hard work.
5 no its a tax
6 Isn't that his muslim middle name? (Hussein, he still got elected quit bitching about race ;))


Well-Known Member
I'm still baffled by the tea-bag moronics, much less the latest special interests acting like grass-roots crashing and pointlessly interrupting legitimate town-hall meetings attempting to discuss legitimate issues for the good of the American people.
why, cuz you disagree with them? bet you didnt have a problem with the "no-nukes" crowd.

"dont argue with a fool because soon nobody will be able to tell the difference" some really smart mother fucker.

jeff out
No nukes, is hardly the same as no government health insurance plan. Big difference. And btw did you know we had spend almost $9 trillion on our nukes in the 80's. Talk about a waste. At least Obama is putting it into ways to invest in our country.

Everything I said I stand by.
I think you buy your spin.
Just as much as I buy mine.
Thats fine, but I actually did research in these issues and not just buy the bloggers point of views. Read the actual bills if you want to be able to get the truth.

1 we can't barrow any more we are broke.
Other countries putting their money in our economy is not the same as borrowing. That would be like telling Ford to not let anyone buy a bond from them because they are broke.

2 national plan will crowd ot the market.
If insurance companies don't find ways to keep a profit without cutting patients when they get sick or the care that they recieve, then yes they will get crowded out if they want to continue to carry 40% profit margins. They will have to find ways to reduce costs like not having to pay huge emergancy room visits due to people without insurance using them as their doctors. But that would be taken care of with this program.

They could have avoided us having to have this public option if they wouldn't have been so greedy. They could have seen the writting on the wall and worked together to get everyone under somekind of medical program. But instead they wanted to squeeze every last dime out of the system for as long as possible.

And that forced the government to do its job finally and step up for the 20% of americans that don't have insurance.

3 still owned buy the Government
Prove it.

4 Unfortunatly all to true, easy money destroys honest savings and hard work.

5 no its a tax
So do you consider them not dumping their waste into the water system a tax too? Because if you do then fine I will give you it being a tax. I call it producing correctly. We need to quit using the planet as our toilet.

6 Isn't that his muslim middle name? (Hussein, he still got elected quit bitching about race :wink:)
I personally don't care about the racists out there, I am just saying it is what it is, and to pretend they are not is not the way I roll.


Well-Known Member
Is insurance the Governments Job.
I must have missed that in civics class.
Which one of congress enumerated powers did that fall under?

Here is what I think the Government could do to get the hell out of the way.
1. Health savings accounts (give tax breaks even if you get back more then you pay I don't care)
2. Major Medical insurance high deductible (combined with health savings accounts would keep bills low)
3. Tax breaks for Docs who do Pro Bono work.

I just don't want any more black hole government programs.
We have obligations we already can't afford.
We can't borrow our way to wealth.

Other countries putting their money in our economy is not the same as borrowing. That would be like telling Ford to not let anyone buy a bond from them because they are broke.
We are borrowing from them. If ford can't pay it back I would not recomend buying their bonds.
Of course we will be able to pay them back because we can just print the money.


Well-Known Member
and Republicans are the dangerous enemy because they raise their voices at town hall meetings... pft
Yeah there are nutters on both sides, things like the kid putting the cocktail on the cop car is sick. That is why both extreme sides are on the Fed watch lists.

jeff f

New Member
Yeah there are nutters on both sides, things like the kid putting the cocktail on the cop car is sick. That is why both extreme sides are on the Fed watch lists.

and you are okay that these people are on a federal watch list? you are okay with that. well i am not okay with that. i spent twenty years protecting a document that says it cant happen. means american officials are putting you on list for protesting. hmmmm those dems sure have changed over the years. cant you see the lib hypocracy? btw who ordered all these brown boots heading to a neighborhood near you. hhhhmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Yeah there are nutters on both sides, things like the kid putting the cocktail on the cop car is sick. That is why both extreme sides are on the Fed watch lists.

WTF??? You condone the government having "Watch lists"? That is seriously disturbing Han!! I suppose you also condone the government perhaps eliminating some of those "Nut Jobs" too? By any means necessary?


Well-Known Member
Todays polotricktions ,government and system ,which all systems are made to rule,if its a seperation in government of one country(republican,democrat)then how are the people not gona be divided then the countrys vision is moving in two diffrent directions which wil make it fall from within,idiot of a system u deal with,and lo0k to,which means ure moving backward in your vision all along,sad if ya ask i


Agreed, they are more concerned with political fighting and failure then with an actual agenda that improves health-care and economy. Corporations, wall street, lobbyists, greed, selfishness, ignorance, and stupidity rules Republicans. I'm still baffled by the tea-bag moronics, much less the latest special interests acting like grass-roots crashing and pointlessly interrupting legitimate town-hall meetings attempting to discuss legitimate issues for the good of the American people.

ok so giving away 24 trillion dollars in just under a year is the totally the way to go right?

creating the DHS report, the MIAC report, those are all really good ideas too right?

completely socialize health care

call upon your fellow americas to become tattle squads

and if we resist we are dangerous and stupid?

the media is pretty good at brainwashing nowadays

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
the media is pretty good at brainwashing nowadays
Quoted for truth.

I was reading something the other day about mind control through media. It basically say's that people will believe anything if told long enough.

Black is White

Good is Bad

Bad is Good

Look at society and how we glorify self serving ideology. Anything can be shaped to suit our self image, no matter how evil.

Abortion for example. It is evil, there is no good in it, but a lot of people try to justify it.


Well-Known Member
WTF??? You condone the government having "Watch lists"? That is seriously disturbing Han!! I suppose you also condone the government perhaps eliminating some of those "Nut Jobs" too? By any means necessary?
You are so cute. I love that you jump from watch list, to eliminating by any means necessary.

You don't think that there would be several levels between those? We don't live in Super Mario World where you take warp tunnels and can skip everything.

Here is a prime example of a MIND CONTROLLED SLAVE. Mmm... More Kool Aid... NLP...
So I am mind controlled. I have never been arrested, never had a cop point a gun at me siting some nutball website that I will frequent (even if to try to talk reason with their nutball ideas), Forced into the back of a government van and put into a FEMA deathcamp. So with the lack of truth that you yourself love to jump on I will go with my exeriences, and say that your conspiracy theories are pure bullshit.

ok so giving away 24 trillion dollars in just under a year is the totally the way to go right?

creating the DHS report, the MIAC report, those are all really good ideas too right?

completely socialize health care

call upon your fellow americas to become tattle squads

and if we resist we are dangerous and stupid?

the media is pretty good at brainwashing nowadays
Keenly here you go off your rocker again.

It is not giving away when it is loaned. I also don't consider my college tuition 'giving away' my money. I consider it a investment in my future. This money is at work and will help us to prosper faster than if it wasn't in the system.

I don't really love the idea of a bunch of nutballs that educate themselves with the same garbage you all believe like it is david coresh reincarnate and you are his sex slaves running around with full automatic machine guns much. But until they do anything w/e. I don't mind people keeping an eye out for them though.

Your socialized healthcare is tired. One program is not socialism. And ps, if it is then all insurance would be socialism. And if that is the case everything is socialism that has more than 2 people that provide a pool of money that gains everyone more than they put into it.

If you resist I am all for it. But you are not wanting to actually understand anything. You are like the kid that thinks all of his teachers are out to get him and he is all misunderstood. When really everyone is just trying to help him out so that he doesn't live in a shithole all his life, because they realize he could actually be very smart if he wanted to.

Keeping an eye on people that could do things like attempt to blow up a jewish community center is a very good thing. I think you are all following nutty people, but I really don't think that you are going to blow anything up. It is not people like you that they want to keep an eye out for. But I have seen the people that they are looking out for, and can tell you it is a good idea.

If our government did not do survailence we would never arrest anyone before a crime, or even catch unless a crime was happening.

But as long as they don't step too far into supressing the speach and are just keeping an eye, I am ok with it.

the media is pretty good at brainwashing nowadays
100% agreed, but I think you don't realize that even with no tv watching your still getting your ideas from the media.

You need to start to question the crap you all read, and watch on youtube.


Well-Known Member
ok so giving away 24 trillion dollars in just under a year is the totally the way to go right?

creating the DHS report, the MIAC report, those are all really good ideas too right?

completely socialize health care

call upon your fellow americas to become tattle squads

and if we resist we are dangerous and stupid?

the media is pretty good at brainwashing nowadays
The US is NOT socializing health care! Please, just answer ONE question (at least attempt to) - how is adding government healthcare for those without ANY socialization of the healthcare system? To piggyback, why is having private insurance in addition to government insurance socialist? You clearly have no clue, buddy. No clue.

Socialized healthcare would look a LOT different.


Well-Known Member
Interesting Jrh, lets ask it in a different way.

In a complete socialized situation where there is 100% government control over healthcare, they own the doctors, hospitals, everything.

And one hospital opens that is private.

Is that 100% pure capitalism?


Well-Known Member
The US is NOT socializing health care! Please, just answer ONE question (at least attempt to) - how is adding government healthcare for those without ANY socialization of the healthcare system? To piggyback, why is having private insurance in addition to government insurance socialist? You clearly have no clue, buddy. No clue.

Socialized healthcare would look a LOT different.
Well seeing as how I'm being forced involuntarily to acquire this useless fucking Health Insurance (which for the infiniteth time is not Health Care) under threat of having my property expropriated (through government force) then I would say that it most assuredly is Socialized Health Care.

While it may not match the forms taken elsewhere it is still Socialized Health Care.

Does it still maintain a charade of free markets, yes, but is it truly free market, no, because it is clear that insurance companies will not be allowed to offer a variety of plans but will instead be obligated (under threat of government coercion) to provide the same plan (set by government) to everyone and will be unable to make their own prices.

If you are so imbecilic as to maintain with the most audacious level of deceit imaginable that this is not a Socialized Health Care System, then I advise you to resign your professorship and blow your fucking brains out, because you're not intelligent enough to be anywhere near a class room.