Today I killed nine Skunk #1s in mid-veg

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Well-Known Member
And exactly what is your suggestion as far as determining to whom I should I give them?

I can see that conversation, 'Hey neighbor, I've got these sweet cannabis plants I've been growing from seed in an ongoing grow operation. Do you want them?' :wall:

I guess I could advertise them in the 'free' section of Craig's List. No risk there. :dunce:
When i read of your plans to do this in another thread i thought of pm'ing you about a transfer of ownership as im pretty sure were in the same state,then reality set in & i had an attack of common sense,things like this should be kept private,beans are cheap but peice of mind is priceless.

Your doing the right thing,chop & toss them bad boy's.


Well-Known Member
dude, their could've been an alternative, you just don't do that, so share the pain but no pity from me as you gave no pity to the mighty ganja.


Well-Known Member
dude, their could've been an alternative, you just don't do that, so share the pain but no pity from me as you gave no pity to the mighty ganja.
I guess I could have left them there for the next occupant. :dunce:

Maybe I could have wasted a bunch of time on an endeavor which would put me at enormous risk and benefit me not at all. :rolleyes:

As the whole grow was mine, I did what I chose to do with it. You don't like it? Tough shit. :twisted:

You're welcome to your opinion. :evil:


Well-Known Member
dude, their could've been an alternative, you just don't do that, so share the pain but no pity from me as you gave no pity to the mighty ganja.
Earth calling space ranger,over.....................come in space ranger, anybody there,hello................


Well-Known Member
Today is the day I dismantled the vegetative box under a 400 watt MH. Inside were nine vegging Skunk #1 clones. All were slightly taller than 2 feet and were very healthy.

Earlier this week I dismantled my mother/clone box under CFLs. I killed Mango, Northern Lights and Skunk #1: Mothers and clones. All of them.

Tomorrow or the next day, I will kill off my flowering box under 400 watt HPS.
Skunk #1, Mango, Northern Lights and Red Shiva. Nine plants in all.

I had to do it. Economics is forcing me to move at the end of the month. Good-bye spacious house where a grow room can be easily concealed. Hello tiny place where nothing is hidden.

I know moving presents a severe problem for growers from time to time.

It was very painful and I put it off all week long.

I'm not complaining. Shit happens. I thought I would share my pain. :cry:

"Today I killed nine Skunk #1s ..." , and ..."I killed Mango, Northern Lights and Skunk #1: Mothers and clones. All of them.", even further,"Tomorrow or the next day, I will kill off my flowering box..."

Dude, that's alot of killing.:cool:

"It was very painful...I thought I would share my pain.", wahh,!:sad:, need a huuug:hug:? Hey, Bruno!:cool: get this nasty-weed-killing:weed: -schmuck JO-Blow-outta this joint! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
"Today I killed nine Skunk #1s ..." , and ..."I killed Mango, Northern Lights and Skunk #1: Mothers and clones. All of them.", even further,"Tomorrow or the next day, I will kill off my flowering box..."

Dude, that's alot of killing.:cool:

"It was very painful...I thought I would share my pain.", wahh,!:sad:, need a huuug:hug:? Hey, Bruno!:cool: get this nasty-weed-killing:weed: -schmuck JO-Blow-outta this joint! :blsmoke:
In all that gibberish, I simply cannot fathom what you are saying. If I am correct, you are enjoying my pain at having to do something I rather not do? Fine.

Kiss my dick.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Dude, sorry to hear about the f--ked up problem. There isn't any place to stick them in the ground or a Buddy to adopt them? I, too, would be frantic. Sorry Dude.


Well-Known Member
Dude, sorry to hear about the f--ked up problem.
Thanks, Dude. It is a difficult process and I am not happy being put in this position.
There isn't any place to stick them in the ground or a Buddy to adopt them? I, too, would be frantic. Sorry Dude.
I have been through that already in this thread.

If there were other options, I would have taken them before killing the plants outright. Thus the reason for waiting as long as I did. I am out of here before the week is out.


Well-Known Member
I was in the same situation 3 months ago! I killed my white widow and durban poison girl! Was sucks!
I'd like to send you some +rep. I'm fresh out at the moment. Stand by for +rep.

To everyone who has shown support in this difficult time: THANK YOU! I truly appreciate the support and comfort.

To you children who are so very offended by my actions: Grow the fuck up. You see, when one becomes an adult, one is forced to make decisions one would rather not make. No option is a 'good' choice. The chips fall that way from time to time.

You may as well confront that reality now, before you move out of Mommy's house and deal with the world on its terms.


Well-Known Member
poor plants
Yeah, poor plants. Your sympathy for the plants is curious indeed.

NEWSFLASH: We all kill our plants sooner or later.

Some kill plants the moment the seed is planted.

Some kill their plants before they are 2 inches tall.

Some kill mature, healthy, plants by sheer stupidity.

Males and hermies are killed routinely without a whole lot of anguish.

Just about everybody kills their plants at harvest time.
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