Tobacco Juice - Is it really organic?

I was wondering about the mozaic virus and how you`d control it when using a tobacco pesticide as it`s spread through water and contact?
Nullis im with you, youre right on!

and the part about the half life related to lung cancer was very interesting and makes perfect sense!

And gankster, no offense but you need to slow down and read what people are saying, you just make assumptions and jump to conclusions about what nullis is saying.

Also Nullis was just making a point about how common cigarette tobacco is grown and how dangerous it is, gankster just flipped and started arguing over something just for the sake of arguing
But I remember reading something about tobacco juice and how it helps to kill off the larvae while not harming seedlings, roots, or beneficial fungi/bacteria. Would making a tea from copenhagen work?
The thing that kills the bugs is the Nicotine, and yes its poisonus BUT it breaks down within a few days so its safe to use
So do pyrethrins, though. They break down literally over night and are harmless to people and pets... far less toxic than nicotine.
A synthetic poison sold under the brand name Sevin 5% Dust is actually less toxic and harmful to the environment than nicotine. Nicotine will kill lots of things, but its also easily absorbed by your plants and it will kill the living soil around you. While it's organic in composition, using it is far far away from anything I consider to be organic gardening. The more you learn about it the more you wonder what it's doing to human health. Oh wait, we do know. EEeek.
It makes me sick to see some of the things people do despite knowing what it is doing to them. Smoking is a great example. I work at a restaurant that serves a very high fat cheese dip. It's basically melted cheese. And people who are four times any kind of healthy weight drag themselves in with a walker, hooked up to a oxygen tank because they can barely breathe, and then ask me for a double cheese dip with an extra large coke. I don't understand why people don't want to help themselves. My grandpa had lung cancer and never quit smoking until the day he died. People are crazy.
anything going into your lungs besides fresh 02 is bad for you. and thats not to say the air outside is even safe for you. it has toxins as well. as for the tobacco juice topic. try it on a few leaves and see what happens over a full week to it. If you can just avoid tobacco at all go with that, garlic and powered cinn. work just as well and you dont have to be paranoid about whats absorbed by what when it comes time to smoke or consume your canabis. or any other plant for that matter. lets not even give it a place in our gardens let alone in our lungs. neem oil, is another really good one. just go out and get some cheese cloths and those spices mentioned and avoid tobacco all together.
sorry if its off topic but its first thing I thought of reading thread title.
I was wondering about the mozaic virus and how you`d control it when using a tobacco pesticide as it`s spread through water and contact?

You can boil the water with the tobacco in it to kill off the tobacco mosaic virus. Bring to a light boil for 10 mins.

Soaking tobacco in water is about as organic as you can get. Natives used it for centuries. What do you guys think a pesticide is? No matter what you use it HAS to be harmful in some way to kill bugs.

The difference is that small exposure of nicotine isn't enough to harm you at all, it will kill a bug, but then again there's theories that THC is for the exact same thing, killing bugs. Just when the bugs are resistant to THC you have to use something else, like nicotine.

The point is uour body can shrug off quite a lot, it does have the ability to repair itself, or filter out such a small dose of nicotine.