Tobacco alternatives - GOING TO THE DAM


Well-Known Member
Going Amsterdam - smoking toabacco is now not legal inside coffeeshops, anyone any experience with tobacco alteratives such as spice silver, or earth impact or honeyrose special blend?

Any advise on the best product to put in a J would be fantastic.



New Member
^^ right ...

Why not just smoke herb while in the coffee shops and save the tobacco for outside? Sounds like a good deal to me .. lol


Well-Known Member
Going Amsterdam - smoking toabacco is now not legal inside coffeeshops, anyone any experience with tobacco alteratives such as spice silver, or earth impact or honeyrose special blend?

Any advise on the best product to put in a J would be fantastic.

do u not smoke mary jane? lol cuz u CAN smoke that in the coffee shops...why would u smoke a plain herb blend instead of weed? dude...ur going to THE DAM!!! the weed capitol of the world!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: buy a bunch of sticky nugs and smoke those!!! lol man...i would love to go to the dam...have fun! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Trying not smoking with tobacco, I know it might be hard....but you'll probably enjoy the weed more lol.


Well-Known Member
I will be smoking weed 4 f**K sakes, but the misses prefers something in the j to help it burn smoother - she finds baccy is good but now illegal in coffeeshops.


Well-Known Member
I will be smoking weed 4 f**K sakes, but the misses prefers something in the j to help it burn smoother - she finds baccy is good but now illegal in coffeeshops.
Im not too sure on this one but last time i went they said theres only certain places u can smoke tobacco.

if i went again now the tobacco ban is in place, i would just smoke pure bud. u can buy like 1- 2 grams for 10 euros.

when i was there u could buy pre rolled joints. a mix, a pure and a super pure.

just buy a few king's. they will knock u out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ah sorry, just read about its for ur mrs.

well, if i was u i would go into a tobacco shop - they have loads there. and just ask the guy what he recommends. they are really helpful - wont try and rip u off and give u a good deal. the guy we seen did anyway. he gave us a free packet of rizzla coz we bought some cigs.