to trim or not to trim??? SCROG / 468w 2700k with a few 6700k CFL White Widow


Well-Known Member
i've been debating on removing all of the little popcorn nugs below my SCROG. Ive slowly been removing more and more material ( Fan leaves, nugs ) and my plant seems to be liking it so far. ive also got 3 26w cfl down under the screen because like 3 weeks ago when nugs started to form i was all excited and added lights but now i think they might be taking away from the tops . Its been on 12/12 for about 4 weeks now and i plan on going as long as i can, like 10-12 weeks so i want those tops to get as big as possible, ive added sockets on the side of the screens frame for future side lighting once i have to start moving the main lights up as the nugs grow. I think i might try to add one or two lights right in the middle of the two rows of the main light fixture, the middle section isnt as tall as the sides but that because there isnt many tops probably. Suggestions??? Thanks!! links in the sig if anyone wants to check it out.


Thats lookin great to me. I dont know why you would want to trim the little ones off. As long as they're growing and not ripe I think you should grow them.

Seems like you've done a great job with your lady there.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! ya shes had a comfy life, lots of light and lots of attention, and for being only 4 out of the 10-12 that i want to go for she looks like she has some future in her. i did remove some weird little nugs though, they just didn't look like the were going to catch up to the light before it started to have to raise up a little, i will just use them as some sample nugs, lol dont expect much of a high but who knows, ill through it in the vap and see what i get


Well-Known Member
Please, there is a huge misunderstanding when it comes to cannabis cultivation. Removing fan leaves and lower bud sites will not redirect energy, it will simply remove possible energy. Think of the plant as a building, the leaves are the solar panels in which the "building" gets its energy. If you remove these, then the plant wasted all its time, and now needs to make more leaves to continue gaining the same amount of energy it needs to distribute it where the plant knows that it needs the energy. Dont fall for the misconception of lollipopping and extreme trimming, it just isn't logical


Well-Known Member
well i disagree doing three grows now i've noticed a immense growth anytime i've taken leaves off. i dont strip the fuckin plant, but alot of those bottom leaves arnt collecting shit for the plant light wise, so to put it in your words thats like having a solar panel in the fuckin shade lol not the most effective and still requires space and energy, its really not doing much and its actually using more energy from the plant trying to stay alive. thats just what ive noticed and alot of my buddys that have more experience then me have also came to the same conclusion. if anyone has anything to correct me id be happy to listen, growing is a learning experience and everyone has their own way of doing things


Well-Known Member
The big leaves are the food factories for your plant, Unless you subject your plants to a double blind study with empirical evidence the idea that you see immense growth after cutting off some leaves is only Anecdotal and could be completely false for all you know. You could get a much bigger harvest if you left all those leaves on, but you won't know until you try it both ways with the exact same conditions.
well i disagree doing three grows now i've noticed a immense growth anytime i've taken leaves off. i dont strip the fuckin plant, but alot of those bottom leaves arnt collecting shit for the plant light wise, so to put it in your words thats like having a solar panel in the fuckin shade lol not the most effective and still requires space and energy, its really not doing much and its actually using more energy from the plant trying to stay alive. thats just what ive noticed and alot of my buddys that have more experience then me have also came to the same conclusion. if anyone has anything to correct me id be happy to listen, growing is a learning experience and everyone has their own way of doing things
by the 8th week I am pulling fan leaves and anything looking like its going to die, usually wilted and dark green. I always keep my plants free of anything on the lower 1/3 of the stalk.


Well-Known Member
leaves collect energy...they dont use it up, as long as your plant isn't in the dark then they are collecting energy. A dark green leaf sounds like a healthy leaf to me. And if your really worried about the bottom leaves "wasting" energy add some side lighting :)

< O >

Trimming off Leaves can and cannot be the ideal thing for your plants. Most Sativa strains, and alot of other strains with more room between stem internodes do not need to be trimmed, because light can freely penetrate into the depths of the plant. However, if your growing a strains that is extremely bushy, and stems are too strong to tie down, etc. then it is a great method to trim the larger leaves off so that sunlight can penetrate through the canopy of your plant and get the inner leaves and inner buds. Eventually, those leaves inside will grow out and be in the need of trimming as well. Repeating this can cause the plant to mushroom out and get extremely bushy. Its a method I have used quite often.

Also, I have tested this method at the same time/under the same conditions as growing another plant, but without trimming any leaves. Strains were the same, and all grow conditions (lighting, temp, nutes, etc.) were exactly the same. My result was a much better looking plant. It was easy to tell it was thriving wonderfully, and my harvest produced about 40% more than the plant that had not been trimmed. Thus, my conclusion is, personally, that this method works greatly IF your conditions or strain demands it. (Kush strains usually preform extraordinarily well with this method. I have a few growing as we speak )


Well-Known Member
Trimming off Leaves can and cannot be the ideal thing for your plants. Most Sativa strains, and alot of other strains with more room between stem internodes do not need to be trimmed, because light can freely penetrate into the depths of the plant. However, if your growing a strains that is extremely bushy, and stems are too strong to tie down, etc. then it is a great method to trim the larger leaves off so that sunlight can penetrate through the canopy of your plant and get the inner leaves and inner buds. Eventually, those leaves inside will grow out and be in the need of trimming as well. Repeating this can cause the plant to mushroom out and get extremely bushy. Its a method I have used quite often.

Also, I have tested this method at the same time/under the same conditions as growing another plant, but without trimming any leaves. Strains were the same, and all grow conditions (lighting, temp, nutes, etc.) were exactly the same. My result was a much better looking plant. It was easy to tell it was thriving wonderfully, and my harvest produced about 40% more than the plant that had not been trimmed. Thus, my conclusion is, personally, that this method works greatly IF your conditions or strain demands it. (Kush strains usually preform extraordinarily well with this method. I have a few growing as we speak )
This is kinda what ive came to also, some plants do just fine, i have a sour cream that doesnt need one leaf takin off and it looks just perfect, not to bushy but just right, the warlock one the other hand i had to remove alot of leaves because the canopy was so thick the light penetration even with a 600w right above it wasnt gettin to the middle at all really. but ya some strians i think need that removal of leaves others are just fine how they are though