Things are progressing. Got some promising clone pairs to work with.

I will get them in dixies this weekend and see how they progress the next few weeks. And I have these 2 plants. Sharksbreath on the left. Unknown on the right. Its a clone I lost track of. Either a Querkle or Amnesia Lemon. Will know for sure when flowering is under way.

I just transplanted them from 3 gal pots to these 20 ga containers. Both were topped per Uncle Bens 'Top for two'. Pinched above the third node just after the seventh node appeared. The SB ended up a triple. WooHoo!

The ? typical two.

So we have a pair and threesome to top and work with. I think so anyways. They are both well balanced, node for node that is, top too top. In my opinion we should be able to get some very fair comparisons. I mean one branch pruned this way. The other either pruned different or unpruned. Same plant, food enviroment, factors ect... What do you think? And an update on the Super Cropped Orange Bud. Put it on 12/12 a few days ago. Its still under the sun, I just cover it for 12 a day. And its getting a good 7 hrs of full sun a day.

Its going to be a dandy.