To smoke or not to smoke. Spider mite eggs


New Member
Hey all, I've got another issue. I have tons of smoke with lots of small white spider mite eggs on them. Any way I can get those off? How bad are they for your health?


Well-Known Member
Kill it with fire, then inhale. Seriously though... fire is pretty effective, smoking the weed will destroy anything that might be there. If you're really concerned about inhaling bits of bugs or eggs, use a bubbler or a bong. If you don't have either of those, just put a thin cotton shirt between your mouth and the pipe and inhale through the shirt. The shirt will act as a filter, and yes you'll still get high. bongsmilie


New Member
How do I post pics? And that's what I thought, I almost threw it out until I tried a piece that wasn't that bad and got ripped.. Lol


Active Member
I am sure all of have smoked mites without even knowing it. When I smoked that Mexican brown brick I probably inhaled more mites than THC. I have never physically noticed eggs on a bud though.

I want to see a picture of this. I'm thankful to have never had spider mites
I got a clones with spidermites once. They never went into my grow room, had them in a small bubbler setup I made for starting plants out in the kitchen. It scared me that they where even in my house lol. Since then no more clones from other growers.