To SCROG or not to SCROG...


Active Member
Is it better to grow more plants in your grow space using traditional soil method or fewer plants in that space in a SCROG?

Here's a basic diagram of my grow room. I've been doing 8 plants every 9-10 weeks in 3 gal grow bags. Currently I yield about 12oz every 9-10 weeks.

The diagram shows a top down view of the flower room. 3ft by 3ft with about 4' of usable vertical space.

Black squares = grow bags (crammed together)
Orange rectangle = 400w HPS (upgrading to 600w)
Blue triangles = small fans (I can easily move these if needed)
Black circles = intake vents that come up through the floor. (cannot move these) The vents stick up from the floor about 10" so I can't really set anything on that back row for the most part.

Thanks for any thoughts/opinions/help. It is appreciated.

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i'd totally scrog man, imo if you got a smaller space its way better to scrog to maximize plant potential

plus if you live in an area where growing is frowned upon by the authorities like i do, then if shit goes sour you only have to explain a a few plants, not 8 or 9...all while still yielding around what you have been

but thats just me :P haha



Active Member
Yes, I live in one of those areas. *sigh* And I see your point. I never thought of it like that.

With a scrog would I be able to keep my 9-10 week cycle? Just fewer plants, spread out more, right? And in that space, doing a scrog, how many plants do you think? Cut it in half to 4? Fewer? I definitely don't want to lose yield if I can help it. Hate to scrog 4 plants and be short in a couple months. hehe
I have never used the scrog method but I am impressed. Currently grow a plant in my window. I live in one of those states where a doctor can declare me legal to smoke, grow, and sell to other licensed patients. So, fuck it, I grow in my big ass south facing bay window. Veg in closet under CFL's and bud right out in the open. My wife hates the smell, but I love the savings.

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With a scrog would I be able to keep my 9-10 week cycle? Just fewer plants, spread out more, right? And in that space, doing a scrog, how many plants do you think? Cut it in half to 4? Fewer? I definitely don't want to lose yield if I can help it. Hate to scrog 4 plants and be short in a couple months. hehe
i'm definitely no expert in scrogging, but i'm a pretty big fan of the whole concept-so i'll share what i know

type of strain grown, method of growing(soil/hydro), size of screen to fill up and number of plants under the screen will change how long from start to finish for one grow... thats just a slideshow or w/e but i seen the grow journal for it(can't find it at the moment, i'll keep looking), i think it was a pound from 1 plant of Chronic vegged for 5 weeks i think? something like that--but it just goes to show you what a scrog can do, and for me a 15 week wait for a pound of free herb off a single plant would be worth the wait haha

other peoples grow journals are a great way of getting a feel for what is required in a setup and grow cycle

oh and if you want to minimize the time it takes to grow a complete cycle with scrog i'd start initally with a veg light, gettinga metal halide will encourage that much more rapid growth


Active Member
...i think it was a pound from 1 plant...
Holy crap!

I used to have my rotation on a faster harvest cycle but I just got burnt out. Seemed like your always harvesting, trimming, etc.. I like a little longer cycle as a break from the crap work. But I could play with my time frame a little if needed for scrogging. From all I've been reading it doesn't look like the scrogging technique is all too difficult. Just the decision process on how many girls to to run I think.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I have never used the scrog method but I am impressed. Currently grow a plant in my window. I live in one of those states where a doctor can declare me legal to smoke, grow, and sell to other licensed patients. So, fuck it, I grow in my big ass south facing bay window. Veg in closet under CFL's and bud right out in the open. My wife hates the smell, but I love the savings.

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Maybe the law won't care since you have a doctor's note, but that won't make a spit of difference to the thieves looking in your window at a $500 plant.