To Reveg or not to Reveg...


Well-Known Member
I have 3 plants that are producing leafy, thin buds and three that are producing fat buds. 4 are blueberry and 2 are black pearl. The black pearl was from seed. The blueberry was from clones. I had one blueberry plant do this last grow and I thought it was the environment. Unfortunately I was wrong and it looks like I took two clones from that dud to boot. The two black pearl were from seed and the one that looked tall and scrappy going into flower is the one producing fat buds while the nicer looking one in veg is producing the thinner, leafier bud. The blueberry I don't feel too stupid about because I didn't realize I had two sets of genetics. I know I should have kept better track on the black pearl since they were from seed. Hindsight is 20/20. I already have the next round in the veg closet about 4 weeks from being cloned.

My question is, would you toss the clones in veg and try to reveg the 3 superior phenos in flower after harvest (assuming that's even possible) so you could capture the superior genetics for sure or would you just suck it up and keep better track on the next grow?
Depending on how far into flowering you are I'd probably try and take a few clones off your keepers. You might could take some lower growth off and try cloning with that

I just tried revegging a plant I harvested, as a test, I busted off probably 75% of it and it didnt make it. 4 weeks in the veg room and the main stem had hollowed out and it all started withering away. I think it may be hit or miss on the reveging. I've seen threads and tutorials where they had success, but my attempt failed.
I'm six weeks from the flip and about 2 weeks away from chopping on the blueberry. Will any clones I take stand a chance?
Of course they will. The chance they will have will depend on you. If you do this successfully you will know those plants by name. What has to happen is for the cutting to grow roots while you slowly remove all of the flowering growth from the branch. This will take approximately three months, then you will grow the now vegging plant for another month or so before it goes back into flowering.

I did this once with about 40 cuttings off plants that had been in flowering for 6 weeks. It takes longer to accomplish then it would to order new seeds and grow them. VV
I just went and checked the plants. I've already lollipopped them at 2 weeks into flower when I took the original clones. If I tried to clone these, I would be taking a small cola with a few leaves and trying to root it, lol. I'm sure it would take a long time. I'm just going to roll with the clones I have and hope for the best. Thanks all.
I say if you've got the space, totally re-veg. I did it with great success and I hacked the shit out of her when I harvested her (like I left one popcorn bud sight and one little baby leaf and that was it!). Now, 6 weeks later, she's bigger than she was when I grew her the first time around! Here's the steps I followed...and it totally worked.

Complete Reveg.

Revegging is just as simple as the cloning method.

After harvesting a plant, leave a good few little stems/bud sites intact, as shown here...

The soil is spent, all of the nutrients have been used up and it's possible that the soil now contains toxins, so it has to go.
With a good carving knife I cut a circle around the stem about 3 inches away and slowly pulled the old root-ball out. Don't be too worried about damaging the roots as most of them will be removed anyway.
After it's removed I gave the root ball a good trim. When I'd finished the remaining root-ball was about the size of my fist...

The pot was filled with fresh compost and the root-ball placed in a hole in the middle...

Lastly, the pot was topped up, watered with 2-3 litres of water and is now sitting in the veg room.
In a couple of weeks the new growth will start.

And that's about it...
So if you feel you might want to carry on a strain, don't chop down the plant completely. Hack off the main colas, dry and sample them, but leave a couple of little stems at the base just-in-case.
I have sucessfully harvested a plant, put it's almost stripped skeleton back into veg and let it start vegging again, and then took clones off it to keep gentics going.

It did not work on the fist plant I attempted though, so I left more leaf on the second attempt.
I have room so I will give this a shot. I like the idea of root pruning -- I've done that successfully with my mothers a couple of times.
Here's a pic of my girl as of today. Seriously, she was pathetic looking after I chopped her up and even though the process I posted states you'll see new growth in a couple of weeks, I started seeing it in 5 days!

RH Reveg 6 weeks.jpg
Well, here are my three reveg attempts 3 weeks after harvest. One finally started putting out some new growth. The other two have totally brown foliage but the stems are still flexible. Unfortunately, the two that didn't make it are the two I really needed - superior blueberry genetics for which I'm not sure I have a clone.

Do the two brown ones stand a chance? The blueberry is much slower to clone so I have a shred of hope that they may pop in a week or two.

Reveg 3 weeks.jpg
Unfortunately, the other two didn't make it. The one that did make it (different strain) is putting out lots of new growth now. The other two had started to rot. Maybe I kept them too wet.

Even though I didn't get the one of the two I really wanted the most, it was a good learning experience.
Im in the exact same boat as you except mine is black pearl and efp and cluster bomb. Those hgs gemetics are getting popular. Im 5 weeks into flower and a couple black pearl and cluster bomb are doing fantastic. Your right about not taking clones and hindsight... i took clones off of black pearl and their rooting but browing in the bud. Think im just going to reveg after reading this.

Sorry for your loss. Blueberry is next on my order
Funny, the one that succeeded was black pearl. It grew really tall and thin in veg. The other BP female looked perfect in veg. Come harvest time, the really tall and thin lady was the bomb: giant, dense colas -- super easy to trim. The other one produced well, but was much more bushy and had thinner colas. I sure hope the one blueberry plant I have left has the good genetics.
No, this is the black pearl. Unfortunately, the two blueberry plants didn't make it. It looks like I might have gotten lucky with that though, the one blueberry plant I have left is looking mighty fine two weeks into flower. Time will tell...

I would definitely try it again to save good genetics. I would have pruned the roots a little less and left more green on them. Not sure that would have made a difference but it's worth a shot. Like I said below, the blueberry is much slower to clone than the black pearl so it may take longer to reveg too.