To Re-VEG or ....umm what was my title?


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm a little bit high and A lot of bit excited because My plants that where 12/12 from seed, turned out to be ALL female 1xSeedsman purple bud, The other Grand daddy purple,

Now I was wondering weather Should I just continue to flower them out and take clones as soon as possible, and get those clones who start veg with those weird shaped leafs?
OR Put them on a 24/hour schedule So i can get some good clones, that won't take long to veg out , any suggestions, opinions if their not of the asshole variety ???

this picture right here was like 3 or 4 days ago so theirs nothing that's really clone-able at this point
(Not a recent picture)

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
It's a bit more trouble to get clones to root once they are in bloom mode but it can be done. Personally I would revert them back to veg but also concerned that may stress them out a bit as well. Honestly you are gonna pull a few g off those as they are so why not try to get some kind of yield for the effort plus a set of nice long clones on deck for next run.


Well-Known Member
It's a bit more trouble to get clones to root once they are in bloom mode but it can be done. Personally I would revert them back to veg but also concerned that may stress them out a bit as well. Honestly you are gonna pull a few g off those as they are so why not try to get some kind of yield for the effort plus a set of nice long clones on deck for next run.
oh I know, I've clone in flower plenty of times, it's the weird looking set of leafs you have to go through That Kind of gets me cause I want to put the clones straight back to flower as soon as they root, and that's just an ugly mess especially since i want to S.O.G them,

My main Focus is getting clones off these plants, actually I only want to keep the Granddaddy, Yield is nothing to me there in a temporary space where the temps are hard to control and all i go is that desktop fan for airflow, if I do yield anything It will be for HASH.


Well-Known Member
if your intention is to take clones ...keep these in veg, once you have the clones, revert all or some to bug ..

your choice, but avoid messing with the lights some, as you can still risk a hermming