to plant feminized seeds, or not?


Active Member
i have heard mixed reviews when it comes to feminized seeds could somone who has tried them be4 or someone who knows people who have tried them give me a report, and details? please?


Well-Known Member
I had fem seeds and all stayed females. I know others that have had good and bad luck with the seeds being hermie.

Just follow the guide lines as to what a female likes best for her enviroment, usually a moister soil, cooler temps etc.


Active Member
alright thank you for the input guys looks like ill be spending the extra fifty or so bucks for the feminized seeds sounds worth it.


Active Member
I've never planted feminized seed, usually just go with things like giving them plenty of space, etc. To some folks it'd be worth the extra money though, and can't say that I won't get some fem seeds myself one day. Think I'd rather try to come up with my own though by using gibberelic acid or some other method.:peace: