To mutilate or not not mutilate that is the question

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Hey all so I've noticed all around this site that many growers tend to mutilate thier plants in thier pics by removing all the fan leaves and leaving only the buds and leaves. Why is this done? I'm about 7 weeks from harvest and Im trying to gather as much info as I can before garvest. I found a few example pics and posting for review.


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The removal of the fan leaves is easier for drying. Plus, do you really want to smoke fan leaves or buds? Unless you are selling your product then use the fan leaves as a filler.
The removal of the fan leaves is easier for drying. Plus, do you really want to smoke fan leaves or buds? Unless you are selling your product then use the fan leaves as a filler.

Nope all for me. I grow for myself. But why do that? dont the plants benefit from all the other foliage? or when flowring is it best to trim it down like the others did on the sample pics i posted? My plants are flowering untouched using lst methoed. would it beneficial potency & yeild wise to trim all the foliage and leave only the leaves on the buds before harvest. My harvest time is in about 6-7 weeks.

below pic is of my baby


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Don't do it! I know a lot of people who trim fan leaves but I just don't think it is a good idea at all. The fan leaves make the energy for the plant. Now trimming branches is a good idea (bottom few branches only!) because those bottom branches are not going to produce sellable bud anyway and you want the plant send that energy to the top branches. Expecially 6 week away from harvest don't stress the plant. You can try to tuck some leaves behind buds if you want more light to the bud site but don't cut up a perfectly ok plant. Now what I do is right before harvest (like 3 days) I do through and trim all the fan leaves and stop watering. But that is just because I find it easier to trim and it dries a little faster that way. Don't just go cutting leaves off your plants, they grew them for a reason.
Also, if I saw a bag of dope and it had fan leaves in it I would NEVER buy it. that whole fan leaves/filler bullshit it a joke, here in the year 2008 buyers want only buds, this isn't the 70's anymore
Thanks for the response. Im not growing to sell only for personal use so i only want to do what ever is best for me and for me to get the best output as possible.