to much yellow?


I have a plant outdoors been budding for almost 3 weeks leaves are staring to turn yellowish is that normmal?


Well-Known Member
Probably a nitrogen deficiency. You should feed with a nitrogen heavy supplement 2 weeks into flower to prevent it in the future.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm,,,,GOD CAN SEE EVERYTHING!!!!! :fire:

Sadly I need a picture and some more info...
Turning yellow where, top down, bottom up, in the middle?
What Nutrients, how often, how much?
In the ground, in a pot, what soil?

I'll go long and pay the vig if it's not P&K toxicity (giving 1 "REP" to GOD). That's the #1 problem I find around here. No amount of added N will fix that at any point!

awaiting further info!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member

P&K toxicity it is!!!!

Beastie bloomz is what? 0-50-30 ?

Wash - dry to watering point and use a balanced flowering formulation! Beastie Bloomz is WAY to high in P&K for the point your at now...It should only be used at the LAST 2 weeks of flower before wash and harvest. And then - sparingly! High P&K supplements will "fool" the plant into thinking it's at the end of it's life cycle and it will stop uptake of N and take it from the N "stored" in the plant. In a sense it's eating it's self....
High P&K supplement's can add bud size and at least will "harden" or make the buds more "dense". They NEVER require them and should be used with prudence.

Good Luck...

P.S. Looks like I stole another soul from GOD,,,,no rep for you! LOL:fire: