to much veg.

well, i've ben veging my moms sense my room got broken into about spring.. ben having problems with cloning so i just left them in veg tell i got my clones going again. now they are fuckin monsters and idk if i should try to bud them or just hash um and start over. at the moment they are veging under a 1k HPS, cloning under a 400watt hps(probably switching to cfl soon) they are around 5ft but they are starting to grow minds of their own and my green crack is about to engulf my table..
My mothers are green crack, Hawaiian indica, purple eurkle, grape haze, affgooey, and FLO.

ill take more in a sec

thats FLO on the left \/

this is also FLO



Weed Modifier
Bud Her and if you feel she will get to tall bend them over or just top it and it will stay shorter. You didn't grow it to throw it away!


Weed Modifier
Probably a Sativa, which is excellent for bending and lst.
Cool I can't wait to see pics...and good name for the one Flow is it.....flowing out your garden..lmao
Awesome dude let me see the Jungle.


Weed Modifier
they are already bending over and they are in veng + i have ben toping them
Bend them the other way so they almost fold on themselves this will make them stronger like an" S " shape or " C " to start then in a few days bend back on itself again getting the S shape to her.Lst the bitch!


Weed Modifier
Turn it off for the pics just use normal light so there is no blinding light for pics.


Well-Known Member
Thats some Nice M.I.L.T ? :)

So what you wanna know ?..... To Bud Or Not To Bud ?

I say GO FOR IT ! :)

Shes done her thing , Given you good times , Give her what she wants now .... Let her bud ... and Journal the process here so others can see ... Lots of bud porn :)

Looks ready to go man .... Turn them light off :)

Good Luck

some of the tops started bending over like that on FLO and they got to a point where it just stoped bending down and started growing back up.. like a vine.