To Much Air?

Redundant, multiple air pumps are a very good thing in bubblers, especially if all or part of the air system can be run on a UPS. Power failures lasting more than an hour or so can be a disaster in bubbler ops.
Redundant, multiple air pumps are a very good thing in bubblers, especially if all or part of the air system can be run on a UPS. Power failures lasting more than an hour or so can be a disaster in bubbler ops.

Really ? It only takes an hour or so to kill a plant ?
Depends on the circumstance. In a bubbler op where you're not using H2O2, the loss of the air supply can encourage anaerobic pathogens and thus root rot, etc.
Depends on the circumstance. In a bubbler op where you're not using H2O2, the loss of the air supply can encourage anaerobic pathogens and thus root rot, etc.

Cool, I'll keep it in mind, I have a lot of power outages.
I Have A Bubbler System. I Would Like Add Another Air Stone Or 2. Will It Do Any Harm?
Thank You

I use 4 of them in 6 gallons of water: 4" round, 2-8" curtains and 1-6" long, running on 2 dual output airpumps. I also have a 60 gal water pump on 24/0, that keeps things well stirred up. The plants love it.
I have frequent power outtages as well. About 6 hrs was the longest so far. The roots were deep in the water each time and the plants didn't show any signs of stress. I figure I got lucky. The water is nice and cool too so it holds more O2. Maybe that was the trick? Any longer tho and I'm sure it would have been
a BIG:spew: :cry: problem.
Yep, low water temps probably saved your bacon. Water readily loses dissolved O2 at higher temps. Almost impossible to keep water oxygenated at or above 27C.

A UPS for a computer, perhaps upgraded by adding a larger battery, is a veddy veddy good thing for bubbler fans.
Cool, I'll keep it in mind, I have a lot of power outages.

If you're not using it already, dose your bubblers with H2O2, 50% grade @ 1ml/litre, every 3-4 days. Stops pathogens dead and releases O2 directly in the rootzone when it is breaking down organic matter. If you can't get 50%, use 35% 'food grade' (found at foodservice suppliers for sterilising equipment) at 1.7ml/L. 3% pharmacy grade isn't recommended due to cost and impracticality of having to buy many, many bottles of the stuff. Low-concentration H2O2 also contains stabilisers which are not necessary in 35% & 50%.
I have the most bubbles I've ever seen or read of for a DWC. I'm using a 4" airstone, 2 foam wands, and 2 small airstones each introducing very different characteristics of aeration to the system powered via 3 seperate 30 Gallon tank outlets. I do not have a backup power supply and one time had lost a plant due to power outage :(
O2 to the roots is the name of the game. It's the main reason hydroponics works better than soil. DWC is great because it gets the media out of the way, improving root contact with highly oxygenated nute soln. As long as you plan for DWC's Achilles' heel of sensitivity to power outages, it can be a highly productive method.